Ferret boy (Chapter 24)

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"What was all that yelling about." asks Draco

"I was kinda hoping I could see you beat her ass" he says winking at me.

"Shut up or I'm gonna beat your ass ferret boy."

"Watch it" he says as his hand grabs ahold of my neck.

One hand was pressed against my neck. The bands of his rings creating sharp senses of coldness throughout my neck. I felt an urge to fight back. To show him I can be a boss. And I would definitely make that happen.

"Someone got silent really quick" says Draco

I stretch my hand out and start to palm him through his pants. His grip gets softer but then gets even tighter than before.

"What.. do you thi...nk your do...ing" he says as his breaths get shorter.

"Nothing Malfoy." I say before I leave the door looking back at him before I walk off.

I start to run as fast as I can back to my dorm. I felt the adrenaline but I knew that Draco would not be happy when he saw me.

"Why are you so out of breath Alex?" asks Pansy

"Oh um. I may or may not have provoked Draco."

"You WHAT."


"Oh your screwed Alex" I reply

"What why?" She asks

"You'll have to find out yourself" I say as a go to the bathroom to take a shower

"I hate you Pansy" she screams so I can hear her

"Love you to bitch" I shout as I start getting undressed

1 hour later:

I was laying in my bed reading one of the muggle books Hermione gave me. She insisted that muggles were great writers so I decided to give it a try. I was about to start the next chapter when I hear a knock at the door.

"Coming!!!" I say as I walk up to the door

"Um Harry. What are you going here" I say awkwardly. I was so not in the mood to deal with him especially after what he pulled.

"Alex I'm so-"

"You lied Harry. Not just to me but to Ginny."

"You make it seem like I'm the bad person yet...YET YOUR THE ONE SEEING SOMEONE ELSE TOO" I am now shouting at him. But he doesn't do anything he just stands there with his eyes stuck on the floor.

"Speechless huh?" I say rolling my eyes

"And to think I still wanted to be friends with you." I scoff closing the door, not letting one word come out of his mouth.


"How did it go" asks Ron while eating god knows what.

"Not good" I reply

"I love you Harry but I'm with Alex on this" says Hermione.

"Is Ginny still mad at you."  asks Ron trying to change the subject.

"What do you think" I say starting to get aggravated by their questions

"Well me and Ron are gonna go to dinner. You coming?" says Hermione

"Yea I'll be there in a sec"

How will they ever forgive me. Part of me was still mad at Alex but I knew she wasn't to blame. But that doesn't mean that what Malfoy did would go unnoticed.


Me and Pansy made our way to the dining hall, still no sight of Draco.

"Pansy where's Draco." I say

"I don't know. Why?"

"I need to see Draco" I said.

"Well I don't know where he is" says Pansy

"Wait Ale-" and I was gone.

Pansy was left all alone while Alex was searching for Draco. She hated how dependent she had become on him and she knew she would regret it one day. But he helped. He eased her pain.


I was walking I started panicking. My body shivered every time I heard my stomach grumbling. I tried to make my way back to the dining hall when I was overflowed by my thoughts. How will you eat? Everyone will stare at you. They'll think your pathetic. Draco can never love someone like you. He couldn't even say it to you. I started to panic. The amount of air filling my lungs getting smaller and smaller.

Black. It went black.

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