The Astronomy Tower (Chapter 26)

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After a few hours of waiting I see it's almost last curfew.

"I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy buy you'll have to leave." Says madam promfrey.

"Ok" I say not in the mood to argue.

I kiss her forehead before I leave the room bumping into Granger.

"Get off of me filthy-"

"What is wrong with you." She yells

I was just going to ask if Alex was doing. Your not the only one who cares about how she's doing."

"Looks like I just hit grangers breaking point" I say raising an eyebrow before chuckling.

"Great way to treat your girlfriends best friend while Alex is in the hospital." She says before she scoffs and runs to catch with Weasley.

I walk back to my dorm and open the door to see Bea sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing her" I ask her wishing she could get off my bed.

"What happened to Alex" she asks playing with her hands as she looks away from me.

"Nothing." I say as a start to go to the bathroom to unwrap the bandages Ms. Pomfrey gave me.

"Cut the crap Draco." she says

"Oooo fiesty little one" I chuckle as I mess up her hair rolling my eyes in the process.

I feel a hard kick against my ankle.

"She's in the hospital you brat. Now out." I say pointing my finger to the door.

"Why?" She asks


"Fine I'll ask her myself."

"No Beatrice. Ask her in the morning." I say

"Fine" she says as she leaves the room.

I slam the door behind her before continue to unwrap the bandages.

Alex's POV:

I wake up breathing heavily. Holding onto my chest I see Ms. Pomfrey rushing to my side.

"Shh darling you need to lay down" she says gently pushing my body so that I was laying down now.

After a few minutes of her giving me medications she stops and sits me up.

"What happened?" she asks handing me a tray of food.


"Um. I don't really know. One minute I was walking back to the dining hall the next I was really dizzy and then it went black."

"Was there anything that stressed you out lately."

Yes. Everything. Between Harry and my eating, my relationship with Draco. I was all over the place.

"No. I just got into a fight with one of my friends."

I mean it was kinda true.

"Well eat up. I'm sure you must be hungry since you missed dinner." She says

I look at the clock.

1:24 am.

I lay in bed with my back to the door trying to fall asleep as quickly as possible.

As I am twisting and turning I see a scale across the room.

Alex no. I think to myself but my mind disagreed as my feet touched the cold ground.

113 it said.

113 pounds

What. How.

I didn't know what to think. All that hard work I had went to waste.

So I went to the one place that would bring me comfort.

The Astronomy Tower.


I sat with my back against the wall feeling the cool breeze flow from the open window.

Sleep was the last thing I wanted.

I was confused.

About so many things. The pressure. The pressure of everything all at once. Fucking crazy I say as I get up sneaking out to the astronomy tower.

The further a get up the stairs the more I realize I'm not the only one there.

"Ah look who it is" I hear a voice say.


"What are you doing here. Now. At almost 2 in the morning."

"Just came for a friendly visit Draco." He says in a taunting voice.

"And what's that in your hand" he says pointing his wand at it, the book now in his hand.

"Ah little miss Bailey. The new slut of the month."


"I don't wanna hear it Draco." he says ripping the page with Alex in it.

It's a new hobby I found. Drawing. That was my favorite sketch of her. We were in potions class. She was sitting with Pansy. She looked happy. It made me happy. Then I realized she was still in the hospital and she was no where near happy right now.

Orange flashed in front off my eyes as it crumbled into specks of ash.

"If you get any more distracted that drawing won't be the only thing set on flames."

"Goodbye Draco."

And he was gone.

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