Slut (Chapter 23)

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"Where is Alex." I thought as I look through the hallways.

Why was I so panicked? Because I kissed Ginny Weasley on winter break. I felt guilty and I had to tell her.


As me and Alex were walking down the hall I see her face glowing in the sun as she smiles as me.

I push her against the wall.

"You Alex. Are something else" I say while slowly backing her into the wall so that she is firmly pressed against it.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Potter. Let's give him a show.

I push myself up against Alex grabbing her waist and aggressively kissing her.

"Mmmmm" she moans as she kiss me back.


Out of nowhere I'm pushed against the wall by Draco. He starts aggressively kissing me and I kiss back.

"Mmmmm" I moan

Oh my god is he a good kisser.

"What the fuck" I turn to the side and see Harry.

"Harry." I gasp still out of breath from Draco.

"I was meaning to tell you today."

"So are you with Malfoy now" he responds with disgust written all over his face.

"Yes. I am" I say

"You fucking slut." he says


"You heard me."

"Call her that again Potter." Draco says

"I. Dare. You."

"Your little girlfriend is a slut Malfoy." says Harry

Draco was now on top of Potter. Punching him over and over with one hand while the other one was around his neck.

"I warned you Potter." He says throwing one last punch before spitting in his face.

"Disgusting." He says as he walks up to me leaving Harry beat up on the ground.

"Draco your hands" I whisper as I look as his large hands beat to the pulp.

"It's fine Alex." He says still angry

"Can at least bandage your hands" I say

I see his face slightly calm down.

"Sure" he says as he pulls me to the side of him, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Don't even think about it Alex." he says

As we silently walk back to his dorm. As I'm bandaging his hand I hear loud banging and pounding on the door.

"I'll go. You stay here."

"Don't give me directions." He says

"I'll stop when you stop being so stubborn" I say rolling my eyes and then giggling as I open the door.


"What are you doing here."

"What is wrong with you." She ways

"What are you talking about Ginny."

"Why would you do that."

"Ginny! What are you taking about!" I say slightly frustrated she won't tell me what's going on.

"Why would you punch Harry. He didn't deserve it!!!"

"Mmm I think he did deserve it Ginny."

"Stop being selfish gosh."

"What did I do!"


"Wait what."

"Me and Harry were going to start dating. But you somehow can't manage to get over him even though your with someone else."

"I'm over him Ginny. What are you talking about."

"Then why did you punch him when he told you that he wanted to start dating me."

"That's what he told you?" I say as I start raising my voice

"Yes it is."

"I didn't punch him." I say

"Draco did."

"Why would you let him hit Harry. What is wrong with you!"

"He called me a slut" I say almost yelling.

"What?" She says.

That was the first calm voice that came out of her mouth this whole conversation.

"I was planning on telling Harry that I wanted to end things but then he caught me kissing Draco so he called me a slut. Draco got mad and Harry wouldn't stop so he started punching him."

"That's not what he told me."

I pulled Ginny into Draco's room and pointed to the bathroom to show her Dracos bandaged hands.

"I'm going to beat Harry's ass" she says angrily

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