Right Back Where We Started

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On April the 1st, 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the seven survivors of the apocalypse were the very siblings who brought it on.


"Hold on! This could get messy!" Five yells as the bright blue ball of light grows above us.

All of a sudden, a vacuum-like wind sucks the seven of us up into the portal.


I hit the ground roughly and a grunt sounds from beneath me. I hurry up, roll off the person, and see Five rolling up to his feet.

"Oh, thank god!" I exclaim and run into Five, trapping him in a hug.

He wraps me into his warm chest and kisses my head softly. The portal makes weird noises as it closes above us and Five and I stare into it.

"Luther! Diego!" Five shouts but the portal closes completely, leaving us alone in the damp alley.

I turn and begin walking down the alley with Five close behind as the sound of machine guns fire nearby.

Men begin yelling orders and black smoke comes billowing overhead. Five grips my hand quickly as a tank and soldiers storm the road, getting taken out soon after and falling to the ground. The unfamiliar orders continue as fighter jets soar overhead, causing me to nervously squeeze Five's hand.

Five pulls me over to a pile of bricks and pulls a dusty newspaper out of the debris as the fighter jets drop bombs on the nearby buildings.

"Soviets attack US?" I read out loud not believing the words across the front page.

The machine guns fire up again and the men start shouting louder. Five pulls me up with him and we begin walking down the street.

"This can't be right," Five mumbles.

The war in front of us gets more and more heated as I start to freak out. I begin panicking and panting as I cover my ears.

"What the hell did we do now?" Five questions out loud as the two sides continue fighting around us.

All of a sudden, a hot wind knocks me to the ground, and Five and I grab each other, holding onto each other for dear life.

"Five! You sick son of a bitch, where the hell have you been? Hey, Hotstuff! I could really use your company right about now!" Diego yells to us as the two of us slowly watch the scene unfold in front of us.

As Five and I begin to head over to our siblings, a hand grips Five's shoulder and we look over at Hazel beside us.

"If you two wanna live, come with me."

"Hazel. What the hell's going on here?" Five asks.

"There's no time to explain. Those are nukes, old-timer." Hazel points up into the sky as the nukes fly overhead.

"What about our family?" I ask.

"You can't save 'em if you're dead, missy," Hazel points out.

I look up at Five and he squeezes my hand as he grabs Hazel's hand with his other.

Five, Hazel and I pop back onto the same street but people are walking down the clean tank-free streets.

"Okay... what the hell was that?" Five asks worriedly.

"The end of the world, November 25, 1963."

"'63..." Five chuckles slightly as we both look around at the people nearby.

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