öga for öga

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Diego pulls the knife out of Elliot's chest as Luther and I stand back, watching him.

Luther slowly pulls the sheet up over his face, "I can't believe Elliot's dead."

"He was a good guy," Diego says.

"Deserved better than this," I mumble.

"Yeah," Luther agrees.

"Elliot must've been getting too close to the truth. It smells like the feds," Diego tells us, looking down at the writing below us.

"What? Are you out of your mind? Diego, if this was the federal government, they would take him somewhere and question him. They wouldn't... do this," I explain.

"No, Fiona's right. This is the work of a psychopath," Luther adds.

" "Oga Foroga." That a name?" Diego asks, referring to the message on the floor.

Luther and I join him at the railing.

" "Oga foroga," " Luther repeats, "I'll look her up."


"Okay..." Luther sighs as he grabs the phone book that I've been trying to grab off the top of the refrigerator.

I huff and take a seat at the kitchen table.

"Holy shit, I found her," Luther mumbles as Diego and I hurry to look.

" "Olga Foroga." That must be her," he adds.

"Call the bitch," Diego says.

"On it," Luther says.

"Hey, have Fiona do it," Diego scoots me towards the phone.

I dial the number and it begins to ring.

"It's ringing," I whisper and I get nervous, throwing the phone at Luther.

He scoffs and picks up the phone.

"Uh, hello, Olga?" He asks.

"It's her. She sounds old. What should I say?" He asks us.

Diego makes a gesture to push along as we squeeze as close as we can to Luther to hear the conversation.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Um, I was just wondering-- What? My name? Is, uh, Luther Hargreeves, and--" Diego cuts him off by snatching the phone from his hands.

"You killed one of ours, Olga, now we're coming after you. You will be dead by nightfall," Diego warns creepily.

"Hey. It's öga för öga, idiots," Five tells us, causing me to clap my hands over my mouth, "Swedish for "an eye for an eye." It means the Swedes killed Elliot."

"Wrong number. Have a lovely day," Diego says sweetly into the phone before hanging up.

"We would've gotten there," Luther says to Diego and I.

"Eventually," Diego adds.

"Yeah," I drag as I take a seat at the table again.

"Uh, you have some blood on you," Luther tells Five as we turn our attention to him.

"A lot of blood, actually," Diego adds as Five pushes past the two.

"Five, what did you do?" Luther asks sternly.


"So I found a way home," Five says as he finishes cleaning the blood off of his face.

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