Twenty Three

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The past few weeks have been, for lack of better words, a compete and utter shit-storm.

There were photos leaked from the party and now there is even more speculation on what my deal is. Along with people talking about me, there were photos of Loki when he got rid of the disguise so now we have to have a press conference to address everything.

"What's up mini me?" Dad asks from the couch in the common room.

"Mini me?" I squint at the nickname. "Does that make you Dr. Evil?" I ask while pouring a bowl of cereal for myself.

"I guess so."

The day goes by as usual, until three thirty when we leave for the press conference.

Loki and I sit next to each other backstage while dad and some government officials do the intro. When we get our cue, Loki and I walk onstage and sit in our respective chairs. Both of us do our best to ignore the countless faces in the crowd. Loki is first up.

It goes smoothly. Thor explains how he is here to prove himself and has shown growth since moving into the tower. Surprisingly, the audience accepts it and it goes by without a hitch. Next up is me. Tony gestures for me to stand up and I do so.

Instead of having someone else explain my situation, I requested to do it myself.

"H-hello." I say quietly into the microphone before raising my volume and finding the confidence to keep going. "Hello, my name is (Y/N). I know that everyone here is wondering what my whole deal is and what makes me so special. I think the best place to start is the beginning." I take in a deep breath before continuing. "When I was six years old, I was in a car accident. My mother died in said accident but I survived. The vehicle we crashed into was carrying a collection of chemicals that I couldn't tell you the name of. I had countless open wounds so the chemicals entered my bloodstream. Through some miracle of science, the chemicals saved my life and gave me powers."

"Exactly what powers do you have?" A reporter asked.

"Good question. I have advanced speed, strength, and healing."

"So you're a smaller captain America?" The same reporter asked, earning him a laugh from the crowd.

"Not exactly, I'm stronger and faster and my healing is much more advanced. While if Steve got shot, he would be impaired until the bullet was removed. I could push the bullet out and keep fighting." The reporter looks caught off guard and his face went red.

"Do you have any more questions?" I ask the crowd.

"What makes you so special?" Another reporter asks.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"I mean, there's plenty of powered people around the world but not all of them get to live in the avengers tower. What makes you so special. Your powers are pretty unremarkable."

"First of all, I didn't tell you all of my powers." Before they can respond I change the setting around us, making it look like a rainforest. I struggle to hold the illusion for so many people so it falls after a few seconds.

"I can change the way your brain perceives your surroundings. Your surroundings themselves don't change but you think they did. It's an illusion but can be quite effective. The effort it requires depends size of the illusion and the number of people seeing it." I fake smile. "And second of all, the name the media has been spreading like wildfire is old news, my real name." I look at dad and he nods. "Is (Y/N) Stark. That's what makes me so special. Thank you." I walk off stage and outside. I can hear the clamor of reporters inside as I walk to the car.

"I think that went well." I say once everyone is in the car.

"You really are your fathers daughter." Nat chuckles.

"I'm gonna to choose to take that as a compliment." I say with a smile.

"I will not disclose whether or not it was meant to be one."

Peter and I watched the press conference together!

I'm a little disappointed you don't have a cool superhero name yet.

What about 'the great Sappho'?

Too on the nose?


I don't think that would appeal to your homophobic audience.

I hope I don't have a homophobic audience.

We got to the tower and we're greeted with complete and utter chaos.

"Get back here you son of a bitch!" Sam screamed at Bucky.

"You'll never take me alive!" Bucky raced by us, quickly followed by Sam.

"Who said I wanted you alive?!"


"I am constantly amazed by how a hundred year old man can act like such a child." Steve says before going back to his floor.

I go back to my room and turn on the news. Surprise, surprise, all the channels are talking about Loki and I. Hearing news anchors talk about me is giving me a headache so I switch off the tv and flop onto my bed. I hear my phone vibrate on the nightstand.

Tony Stark is your dad?!!?!????

Why didn't I know this???

Idk man🤷‍♀️
You never asked

Can I meet him?

I'll get back to you on that

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