The Sorting Hat

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 She opened the doors to the Great Hall and felt all eyes on me. Obviously not just on me but you get the feeling. Everyone started whispering at each other and I realized not just looking at me but my famous twin brother. We all took seats and waited for our names to be called. One by one I saw people go up. "Draco Malfoy, Oh I see a you're a Malfoy. Smart, sly and ambitious, Slytherin!" the sorting hat yells. I see a smirk on his face as he walks toward the table. One by one the first years named off. The frizzy hair girl's name is Hermione and the ginger head boy is Ron. They both got into Gryffindor. There were only two people left my brother and I. Harry was called first. He was sorted into Gryffindor no doubt about it my brother definitely belonged there. Then my name was called. Everyone went into shock. Nobody knew about the Potter twin. The Great Hall filled with murmurs. I look over to Draco to see more surprise than anyone else. I walked up to the Sorting Hat and took a seat on the stool. Prof. Mcgonagal, placed the hat on my head. "Hmm another Potter bet nobody saw you coming huh. Brave, ambitious, kind and loyal. However, I see a dark side to you... Slytherin!" I was in shock what did he mean "dark side" not only that but Harry was in Gryffindor. I walk to the Slytherin table where of course the only spot left was next to Draco. I didn't know what to say to him so I tried avoiding eye contact. Which is a lot harder when they are sitting right next to you.

Dumbledore gives a speech and then the feast begins. I was super hungry so I just grabbed a roll and went up to our house leader, Professor Snape, and asked if I could go back because I didn't feel well. He of course not wanting to go into details said I could and showed me to the dorm and left. I unpacked my things in my room and then cozied myself against the window and read. After a little while people started to flood the Common room and was about to leave but nobody seemed to notice me so I stayed. Everyone went to go settle in and it was back to peace and quiet. I thought I missed Draco but then I saw the shadow out of the cornerr of my eye. "Why didn't you tell me your last name?" he questioned. "If I told you my last name would you have looked at me differently?" I say it already knowing the answer. "No, I would've thought of you the same way." he says the words but I could tell the doubt in his voice. "Are you going to treat me differently now, because you know?" I asked the question but yet again knowing the real answer. "No I won't treat you differently." he says it this time with a little more confidence in his tone. "Okay please don't that's why I didn't tell you my last name on the train. I really did enjoy our conversation." I say to him trying to convince him of friendship. 

I didn't have a lot of friends here and I'll take the ones I can get. "Which conversation?" he pauses takes a few steps closer to me. "The one we had when I first came in or..." he takes a few more steps closer and is as close as he was back on the train. " The one we had this close?" his scent, I didn't completely notice it before but he smelt of strong cologne, mint and apples. "i- um- I l-liked talki- talking um- ov- over um- all." I stutter out. God what is wrong with me it's like he has this power over me and my legs feel like jelly and I can't speak right. What have you done to me Draco Malfoy. "I especially like the one when we were close," he leans closer, "didn't you?". By now we are extremely close and I could feel my heart pounding. "I really best be getting to bed it's late, goodnight Draco.". "Goodnight Y/n". I race up to my bed and plop down. I think about how good he smelt and how I felt being that close to him. I fall asleep with my happy thoughts.

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