Malfoy Manor

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After we apparated there I see this huge house that stood before me. I don't know if you can call it even a house it was more a mansion. My muggle family wasn't poor we were pretty well of but this, this was elegant and rich and amazing. Draco must've seen me because he whispered in my ear, "It's not much but I hope it's suitable to your taste." I look back at him trying to determine if he was joking he was so I played along. "It's interesting I guess it's a little small but I guess I can handle it. Oh and the dust its everywhere nobody finds good help these days." I say back to him in a posh voice. We both giggle. He shows me to my room and I'm astonished. It's right next to his. Of course being Draco he mentioned how close it was to his room in case I got cold or lonely. Later after we were settled we sat through an excruciating dinner. The entire time Lucius said not a single word to me. Narcissa was however very kind. Draco asked me if I wanted anything to drink and I said "No thank you Draco." That caught his fathers attention. He looked at me and said, "Little girl what did you just call my son?" I froze what did he mean? "I called him Draco." He smirked. Well at least I know where Draco gets it from. "Y/n was it? You are a brave girl. Not many people call my son by his first name." I was speechless was he calling me stupid or was it a compliment? "Um Thank you sir?" He smirks again. "I promise you I mean it as a compliment. Handling a Malfoy man is no easy task. My wife is a very strong women because she puts up with me everyday, and for that I call you a very strong young woman for being able to handle my son." You blush a bit and thank him in a more confident tone.  After dinner me and Draco walked up to the washroom to freshen up before bed. He was brushing his teeth as I was changing into pj's. Then I hear my door open. I am froze into place as I saw Draco Malfoy waltz into my room as I was changing. The first look on his face was a bit embarrassment, but doing what Draco does best he made a joke. "Y/n, if I knew you looked this good without clothes on I would've done this a lot sooner he smirked. You throw a pillow at him and he gets out only to open the door quickly look at you wink and leave again. Heat flooded to your cheeks. Not only the thought of Draco seeing you in your undergarments but also at the fact that he said you looked good.

After you were fully clothed you walked out of your room to see Draco leaning right outside your door. He looked up and down at you fully clothed. "Now that I've seen more I cant help but be disappointed." he smirks his famous smirk. "Oh shut it Draco, you pull that stunt again and I'll do the same to you." he smirks at your remark. "Well then I would keep yourself fully clothed from now on Y/n." You laugh a little and then say you goodnights and head to bed. Tossing and turning all night you couldn't sleep. You know you're going to regret this but you walk into Draco's room. You walk over to him and try to wake him up. "Y/n what are you doing in here? Taken me up on my offer have you?" you roll your eyes. "No, not necessarily I just needed someone to talk to." he sits up and to your surprise you see his shirtless torso. "Well do you wanna talk or not?" he snaps you back to reality. "Yea um can I sit?" you motion to the bed and he pats it signaling for you to sit. "Its just been a lot lately. Me and Harry are getting super close and it's nice. Yet my muggle family seems to want less and less to do with me." Draco scoots closer and holds you in his arms. "If they don't see what an amazing person you are then they don't deserve you one bit ok? You are an amazing kind sweet caring funny person. If they can't see that then they are the reason why when we call them muggles it's not in a nice way ok?" you sigh and lean on Draco's shoulder. "Thank you Draco. You always know how to cheer me up." You glance at him. You lock eyes only for a moment but everything that needed t be said was said in that moment. You and Draco seem to stay like that for a while. You wake up to him, at first its a nice thing to wake up to until you realized you spent the night with Draco! You rush out of bed into your room and start to get ready not knowing what else to do. Draco in a few minutes wakes up to an empty bed. He walks into your room, still shirtless and asks what you were doing. He didn't bring up the fact that you slept in his bed. "Oh nothing just getting ready." "Oh ok well I better get ready than too."

"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*""*"**"*"Time Skip*"*"*"*"*"*"**"*"*""*"*"*"*"**"*"*"*"*"*"

The break is over and you and Draco have been closer than ever. You still haven't found the courage to tell him how you feel but It a few months the new year starts and you are going to no matter what tell him then. Your muggle family slowly drifted a[art and you have come to terms with it. You still write them but it has been more of a fear of magic then a fear of you. You're just happy that they weren't afraid of you.

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