The Fight

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I ran through the crowded circle to see Draco and my brother fighting fist to fist combat. I run in between the and stop the fight I look at everyone and the start to leave. Then I turn to them having them both face me I ask what simple question. "Who started it?". "Draco tried to punch me I was just trying to have a conversation with him." Draco looks filled with pure anger "I threw the first punch but you grabbing my shirt isn't just having a conversation." the boys start to bicker again so I yell. "Enough!! What was the fight about huh, I swear to God I'll beat both your asses if it was something stupid." I could punch them both right now. "I decided to just warn Draco what were to happen if he tried something with you. I was just trying to be a good brother that's all." I look at Draco, "He attacked me what'd you expect me to do let him??" ugh boyss. "No I would've fought back to but I have to things to say, one Harry I get you were trying to be a good brother but if a guy tried something and I didn't want it to happen I would whoop his ass ok? Draco I'm going to talk to you later. I love you harry and thank you for trying to be a good brother." You hug Harry and take Draco to the Slytherin common room. "Y/n I swear to God I wouldn't have fought him if I didn't have a choice I know how much he means to you." I smile a bit. "I know Draco but why were you guys fighting in the first place?"

Draco's POV

"I smell rain, new book and vanilla." Dear lord why was I honest she probably doesn't like me. I'm not lying I did smell that but I should've lied God I am such and idiot! "dudee how much cologne did you put on today I can't smell a thing." Wait I'm not wearing cologne today. I blush and smirk a bit. "Ok, ok hold on I'll try harder. I smell mint and apples." Wait!! Is it possible she feels the same way that is my signature scent and I'm not wearing cologne today. I smirk even more and Snape dismisses us. I need to talk to Y/n. "hey, Hermione wants to talk I will meet you at the Quidditch field" I nod in response. That filthy mudblood always ruining my chance yes I know Y/n is a halfblood so I have seen the light on things but still once a mudblood always a mudblood. I'm almost to the quidditch field when I get there I need to tell Y/n how I feel. I reach the field and start to put my stuff down when out of nowhere Someone attacks me from behind I quickly recover and turn around to see Harry. Although Harry and I don't see eye to eye on things we stay out of each others way because of Y/n. "What was the shirt grab for??" I curse a few things under my breath and wait for a response. "You are going to stay away from my sister you hear me. She doesn't need you in her life alright. Now stay away from her or else." I swing at him not to hit just to scare him. We start to get into a fight each of us throwing fists at the other until we see her. Full blaze Y/n heads towards us. I am a guy but I know when She looks like that she's not to be messed with. 

Your POV

"What started the fight?" I ask him. "It was nothing really..." ugh I swear he'll be more headless than nearly headless nick if he doesn't answer. "I'll ask again why did you guys fight?" he looks down and back up at me. "Pottah was warning me to stay away from you. He said you didn't need me in your life." Awww this poor boy he has been through so much and I just want to kiss him. "Hey look at me, look at me don't listen to my brother ok you're one of my closest friends." After that things were a little off but we got over it.

*Few months Later*

I have gotten closer with Draco, Hermione, Ron and especially Harry. Summer break is coming up and I have no idea where I'm spending it. My muggle family sent me a letter saying they are going on vacation and I am unable to come home but its ok. Ever since I moved to Hogwarts my muggle family cares less and less about me which is understandable because being a Wizard is weird to them. Harry is going to the Weasley's  and I said I might stop my for a little but in the tiny home you can only fit so many. I see Draco on a couch in the common room so I decide to sit with him. "So, what are you doing for summer break?". "My parents are going to be gone for most of it so not much might host a party but nothing fun what about you?". I didn't want to complain to him but I knew I could tell him anything so I told him the truth. "You know that my muggle family is drifting away and they sent me a letter telling me they are going to be gone and I can't come home for break so probably go to the Weasley's for a little and then stay at Hogwarts. Guess both our breaks are going to be a bust." I try to lighten our spirits and smile at him but end up getting lost in his eyes. He snaps me back into reality when he says "Why don't you come to my house. It'll be fun and it's big enough for the both of us. We have multiple bedrooms." He smirks. "We could only use one of course." Jeez his smirk makes my heart melt. "That sounds super fun I'm so down!" "Awesome less laundry too!" he smirks again. "You know that I meant going to your house would be fun not sharing a bed!" we laugh a little but secretly I would love to share a bed.

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