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A couple of months has passed on from that night. Me and Draco have gotten closer and become good friends. Me and Harry although we don't spend much time together are getting closer and things have gotten less weird. Winter Break is coming up and I don't want to leave. I love my family and it has nothing to do with them being muggles but I love the Wizarding World so much I don't really want to leave. I decided to right a letter to my mum and dad and ask them what our plans were for Winter break. I had Junebug (the name of our owl) take the letter to my parents as I waited for a response. I looked at the clock to make sure I wasn't too late for breakfast. I look and breakfast is about to start I slip on black ripped jeans a white formal shirt with my green sweater and my robes on throw my hair into a pony spray some of my vanilla perfume and go down to breakfast. 

The common room is empty which is no supprise because breakfast starts in a minute. I run down the halls to the Great Hall doors stop, gain my composure and walk to the Slytherin table. I take a seat next to Draco who had already begun eating. As I was just about to eat I feel a shove and fall to the ground. No supprise there I see Pansy Parkinson standing above me. She's hated me since I'm close with Draco even though Draco shows no interest in her whatsoever she can't get that in her small maybe even non-existent brain. "Oops sorry Y/n didn't see you there anyways DraciePoo I was wonder-" Draco cuts her off and says "I don't know why this is so hard to understand but I do not like you Pansy you are such a whiny bitch and I don't even care about you so go bug someone else you bloody nausience." He pushes passed her and goes to help me up from my fall. I gladly take his hand up and he walks me to the nurse. "So how long do you think it's going to last this time?" I say to him. "I hope she never bothers me again." I chuckle a little at the thought of Pansy not bugging Draco. "Like that's ever going to happen. A world where Pansy isn't annoying. A dream come true." I laugh a little and Draco laughs a little as well. "Oh my bloody God did I just see the Draco Malfoy laugh at my joke?". "No, nope you definitely didn't see that happen." "Oh no no no it's already gone to my head. Sorry what you gonna do about it now." I get checked out by the nurse and she said I'll be fine no severe damage. 

We look at the time and head to the the dorms to grab our stuff and head to Potions. Draco and I are partners for almost all our classes. "Today we are going to be brewing Amortentia, can anyone tell me what it is." Snape turns around and I see Hermione has her hand raised but I decided to raise mine and get some Points to Slytherin. "Yes, Miss Potter can you tell us what it is?" "Yes, Amortentia is a love potion although you cannot replicate or make someone fall in love with you or someone else, if brewed correctly, you will be able to smell what attracts you most. What you smell is special to each individual." "Correct, 20 points to Slytherin, today we will be brewing Amortentia." After him explaining for a bit longer he let us get to work. "So, why did you know so much about the potion?" Draco questioned. "Well you see it fascinates me that a potion can know more about our deepest attractions more than we do." I smirk. "I guess when you put it like that it doesn't sound like one of Snape's boring old potions." we both laugh a little. After a bit of time we call Snape over and ask him to see if we did it right. "Well, it looks correct go ahead both of you smell it and discuss what you smell." he walks away. "Ok! You're going first remember last night you lost rock paper scissors so you have to do the potion first today." I smile nicely but also in a haha loser way. "Ok, umm I don't smell anything.". "Stop messing around try.". "Ok, ok umm it smells like rain, fresh books and vanilla. Your turn." I was speechless that was my fragrance that what I smelt like!! Hold on it could've been someone else calm down. One thing I have kept my deepest secret was that I am in love with Draco Malfoy. "Come on smell it already." "Ok, ok hold on." I breathe in deeply, "dude how much cologne did you put on today I can barely smell anything. Hold on I'm trying to smell,... I smell mint, and apples." I look at him and he just blushed which I didn't understand but didn't really care. Snape dismissed class so as we were walking out Hermione asked if we could talk so I told Draco I would see him later. "So um in potions you said you couldn't smell anything over Draco's cologne, and umm well your brother and I heard but um you see we didn't smell Draco's cologne like at all...". I was speechless. "What do you mean I smelt it, it was super powerful." I was so confused. "Also Y/n you always smell like rain, new book and vanilla and well your brother is sorta pissed at Draco for liking you and is going to um "talk" to him." Oh no oh no no no one thing I've learned is boys don't talk, they fight. I run out to the yard to find them and then I spot them. On the quidditch field both throwing punches and the circle around them. 

I hope your liking the story so far I won't post this often but I wanted to get a lot of stories out so you didn't wait at the start next chapter I'm thinking of doing Draco's POV let me know how you feel about that again THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!

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