Chapter 14: Meet the Parents (Again)

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I fell asleep on Draco which I was kind of sad baout because I wanted to talk to him. I know that it was super early to tell him I loved him but I did want to at least talk about our relationship. I decided I'll tell him later. After we gathered our stuff we headed off to the Platform to find his parents. We didn't see them so I said goodbye to my brother, 'Mione, Ron Ginny, and the twins. I then walked back to Draco and after a few minutes of standing there his parents showed up. We walked towards them and Narcissa hugged me gently and faintly but it was a nice gesture. Lucius smiled at me and then nodded towards Draco. "I'm so glad you're joining us this summer! You were such a pleasure to have in the winter you are such a doll." Narcissa says to you sweetly. "I'm very thankful that you let me come again. I'm more than greatful for you guys letting me stay here." you say back so they know you're happy to be here. Plus it never hurts to butter up the parents of your boyfriend, which they don't know yet. "Well, we best be apparating back to the hosue." Lucius said shortly. We apparated back and Draco and I brought our luggage up to the room. Draco looked at me with a look I could read as 'guess it's time to tell them' I nodded back at him and we wlaked back downstairs. I kow it was silly for me to be nervous I knew that they liked me it was still inevitable we had to tell them. Draco started off cooly, "Mom, dad as you both know I am close with, Y/n and -erm." he stuttered. "We have gotten closer since Winter Break a lot closer." I said because Draco seemed to get nervous as well. "I asked her to be my girlfriend. I asked Y/n to be my girlfriend." he spat out. After a few moments of silence I realised we never told them I said yes. "Oh and I said yes. We are dating now." I say even more nervous. Narcissa has a smile on her face bigger then one i have seen come from her and Lucius had something I guess you could call a smirk which was good enough knowing him. "Ah, finally I was wondering when my oblivious son would realise he looked at you the way I look at his father." she smilled at both of you and then to Lucius. You and Draco laugh a little and he intertwines your fingers with his. "I know I don't say this often but I'm proud of you. YOu got a good one, don;t be an idiot and screw it up." COming from him me and Draco took it very happily that he approved and was ok wiht everything especially me being a half-blood and being realted to Harry.  I was trilled that they liked me. Draco and I went to his room adn unpacked our stuff.

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