Chapter 5

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Chapter five

Noah’s P.O.V-Pandemic Awakening, Day 1

My initial thoughts… I was in a terrible dream and this nightmare would totally end when I opened my eyes. I thought so many things but the main one that stuck in mind was: You’ll definitely wake up now to the sounds of Isaac and Bella squawking at one another. Except no, that wasn’t what I heard… infact, I heard little else besides the slight beeping coming from somewhere… I opened my eyes, getting blinded by a white light… I hate the sun! Wait a second… what’s that? I blinked several times as my sight became restored and I saw some equipment at first, liquid bags of some sort, all hooked up into my arms… I glanced to my right and through a glass window came the vision of Wesley… dude he looks terrible, worse than before. Fucking white? Seriously? Okay… I just need to get up and then…

To my horror I saw a thing being placed into Wesley’s compartment… but as the door slammed shut, I shut my eyes tight. He’s fucking dead, he’ll definitely die! Oh my god… I peeped out of my eye to actually see him kicking it’s ass… oh, well I suppose he let me off l hook all those times then, I was like his number one enemy and yet he never kicked my ass. I’m not complaining though. I grinned a little, I’m so glad I chose to grab him instead of anyone else, I mean if you think about it, I could have chosen anyone in that school… that was alive anyway, but no, my instincts had fallen on Wesley. Oh well, it looks as though he knows how to survive if the occasion calls for it. I guess it’s human nature when your life is threatened, right?

At that moment, I realised that one of the male scientist had kicked Wesley and I shot up from my bed, ignoring the pull from the tubes in my arms and pounded my fists on the glass, yelling angrily.

“Leave him alone!” What the hell is this glass made from? Can they even hear me… see me? I balled my hands into fists and almost broke my fingers trying to get into his room, but it didn’t work… it’s like we were in the same room but at different times. It’s strange. I kept my eyes on Wesley as he gave me the lamest wave ever… seriously, waving at a time like this, you moron. Obviously he can see me… so I just did the only thing my mind instructed and nodded just the once. He lay down, placing his hand on his side of the glass and in that moment, as those assholes left his room, I sank to my knees and placed my hand over his, against my glass. This is really strange. All I wanted to do right now, was get him out of this hell hole. It’s my job right? I mean he’s really tiny and stuff… I should be protecting him, even if he has terrible tastes in clothes, and his car is completely ugly… he’s still…

At that moment the female scientist came back into his room, and I panicked upon seeing a syringe in her hand. Blood red liquid mixed with something blue was contained inside, and as two of the others held him, she injected it into his arm and just left him there to roll around in pain. However, before she vacated his room, she turned on her heel and grinned at me, her eyes glowing with so much evil spirit I felt threatened. I’m next… I know it.

It hadn’t been that long when the blonde scientist that had taken ‘care’ of Wesley entered my own room, a smile on his face. He approached me but I tried to hide my fear.

“Let us go, you fucking lunatic.”

He stood above me, glancing down with a smirk. I blocked his view of Wesley failing to give him any satisfaction of what he and his team had done to him.

“I don’t think, experiment one-hundred. You have a very important job to do, you and your little friend. You see I’ve been searching this state for someone with incredible stamina and I’ve studied this type of genetic science for… a long time. Ninety-nine failures… and then I find you, and your friend. I’ve been watching you, keeping a journal of different things. You’re perfect for this. The process has already begun inside your friend, he’s experiment one-hundred and one.”

He’s crazy… this takes nerd to a whole new level, seriously. I don’t even understand science and he’s explaining his twisted mind to me. What is he anyway, Einstein's evil twin or something? I glanced behind me at Wesley and then glared up at freaky-nerd guy, sighing.

“Yeah I kinda don’t get what you just said to me, and we have names, okay? My name is Noah, and this is Wesley. We’re not some guinea pigs you can pull in off of the street and fuck around with. Now, let us go!”

“I don’t think so, you see like I said, the process is already eating at your friend… his organs inside will be caving in… soon, he’ll be just like everyone else here, except with power and energy beyond imagination. I’m creating a whole new generation… an immortal generation. And nobody is going to stop me.”

To my horror he pulled out a syringe just like the one that had been injected into Wesley, except the liquid contained was crimson, and had a green streak trailing inside it. I fought him… I hit back as hard as I could but failed. With a laugh he inserted it into my neck with a violent stab, and as I crumpled back onto the floor, the pain engulfing me like nothing I’d ever experienced before, he turned and walked out. The only words I remember him saying, was terrifying and cruel.

“Oh and… there’s only one anti-virus which will cure only one of you. What you need to decide my precious experiment, is which of your lives is more important than the other. Have fun, experiment one-hundred.”

I lost sight of Wesley at that moment… in fact, everything had disappeared, leaving me in a blanket of darkness once again.  

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