Chapter 4

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(I should probably say. Hey sorry for not updating for a while. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter well chapters I'm going to be uploading a lot)

Wesley’s P.O.V-Awakening

(Lab Rats)

The last thing I remember was Noah telling my to run then blackness... I slowly opened my eyes to the shock of bright luminescent lights. I groaned and rolled over and off of what I was laying on. I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. I was in a glass cage, from outside there was science equipment. The place creeped me out... A thought then popped in my head and I wondered why Noah helped me. Perhaps it could be throughout  our many disputes about things we ended up becoming friends? We did talk to each other every day and see each other, since freshman year we argued about crap.

I looked to my left and noticed that Noah was sleeping on a bed, similar to mine... Why were we in here and what did this mean for us? We were in a science facility. I hope we were at least safe from those...things... I suppose they would be called zombies? Maybe they are and that was the start of the zombie apocalypse... What the? Are we now living in a horror movie? yeah ...yeah I’m sure we were. Wonderful....

Hearing a door open over at the other side of the room I saw a man with blond hair and black-toothed glasses on with brown eyes. He looked at me... His eyes were scary... I shrunk back into my cell.

When I hit the wall, my eyes got wider as he walked toward the cell and knocked on the glass wall... You know when they say not to hit the glass when you’re at a fish aquarium? Well now I knew what a fish felt like... The sound was loud and I covered my ears, haven’t I already gone through enough abuse today?

“Hey kid.” The scientist smirked at me. “Little Lab Rat, that’s what you two are now.”

“Let me out! I don’t fucking want to be here. Let me out!” I screamed, he just smiled like he couldn’t hear, me which he probably couldn’t... It was probably a one way thing... Only I could hear Them talk and I couldn’t talk back. That’s so unfair, what am I a dog?

I glanced down at what I was now wearing, I smirked Noah would probably have something to say about this fashion. I was wearing an all white t-shirt along with white cotton pants. Well at least I had pants because I was sure I didn’t have underwear on which sucked.

The man tapped on the thing again... I looked up at him. I jumped back when I noticed he had a crazed zombie with him, a rope was around its neck attached to a long bar he was holding. He opened my door and pushed the zombie in my cell. The scientist quickly locked the door, I looked at the zombie... I choked on a cry. I came face to face with my worst nightmare, it sniffed the air and looked at me tilting it’s head. I bit my lip looking at the zombie. It had peeling skin on his face and looked older than the other ones at my school. The zombie had pale yellow eyes and hair falling out of it’s scalp. It’s skin looked feathery and grey... I swear if me actually doing something depended on my life, well then I would bend over and puke.

The zombie suddenly lunged at me staggering, I jumped to the side letting it hit the wall and looked around for anything, anything at all to kill this thing.  

I heard the scientist laugh at me, I growled under my breath. When or if... I get out of this hell hole, I am so picking up a gun and killing that dick. I glanced to my left and noticed Noah was now awake, he had sat up and was staring at what was going on in my cell.

The zombie lunged itself at me again and I spun and with it’s speed I kicked in it’s head and jumped back. The zombie... it was dead now... I was happy about that... I walked backward then lost my balance and fell to the hard cement ground. I curled up in a ball and told myself not to cry, but I did... My tears stung my eyes... The scientist walked in and kicked me in the side. I cried out in pain and winced. I scooted back more, as I looked at the scientist’s eyes.

I looked over and noticed that there were now two other scientists, one was taking notes and the other walked in. He started pulling the zombie out of my room.

“Leave the boy alone Chris.” A woman’s voice said, I looked up and noticed a woman with black hair and blue eyes standing there.  I frowned and looked over to her."Chris get out of the cage." She said then walked in. I looked up at her. She smiled then bent down with a cloth. She took my foot and washed it off.

"Can....can I go home?" I whimpered and looked up at her.

"No dear you can't, I'm sorry." She said, if I wasn’t so scared I would've pushed her out of my way and ran out, but then what about Noah? I couldn't leave him could I? No I didn't have the heart to do that.

I just nodded then, and looked to the side. Noah was staring, it looked as if he was in shock a little. I waved lamely at him. He gave me a nod. This was just the beginning of our hell, I missed my bed already.

The scientists all exited my room and walked out. The woman shut my door and walked away. I climbed on my bed, I laid down and looked at Noah. I put my hand on the glass then closed my eyes. I fell asleep.
I suddenly was shaken awake, I peered up into brown eyes. I was forcefully made to stand up. The  scientist that walked in next had a syringe with reddish blue liquid in it. Before I could move the woman stabbed me with it in my arm and emptied it into me.

When she was finished the two walked out... tears hit my eyes when a sudden shock of pain hit me. I closed my eyes and started crying out in pain. I was sure this wasn't the last of the pain I would have to endure.

I blacked out.

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