Chapter 6

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Shadows Of Ourselves

Wesley's P.O.V

When I awoke the next day I was confused and didn't really know what was going on. Mostly because I was suddenly woken up by a man, the same man that had pushed a freaking zombie into my cell.

"What?" I complained and tried pushing him away from me. That didn't work, he grabbed me and pushed me into the lab room.

"Walk boy." He said then kicked my back making me stumble forward. I stayed quiet not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry....or whimper.  

I did as he said and walked, we came to a door and he pushed me into the room. A sudden bright light turned on... I looked around the room. That was my first reaction.

The scene was an arena, there was dirt on the ground. There was an opening to the sky, telling me it was morning. I saw Noah being pushed in the arena next. The doors behind us were shut just after putting us in it.

"N-Noah?" I looked at him, "I'm scared." I said weakly.

“It’s okay, I promise I’ll look after you. I was the one that dragged you out of Art in the first place.”

I nodded," at least we're not zombies.... are we?" I walked over to him.

“I… I’m not sure what we are. I know I feel different from yesterday.” He had turned quite pale and his eyes now looked really cloudy. There was also a slight perspiration on his forehead too.

“Me... Too.” I said, as I surveyed the arena again.” I don’t like this place... Sorry I’m complaining.” All of a sudden I felt something heavy on my body, and seeing Noah leaning his head against my shoulder, he murmured.

“You always complain, I’m used to it.”  

I sighed and without really thinking I ran my fingers through his hair, “Are you now?” I asked softly.

“Wesley… I… can’t breathe.”  

“You can’t?” I asked, and looked at him. For a moment not sure what else to do. I wrapped my arms around him and lowered him to the ground. I looked to the side and around the arena, still nothing. It was too quiet like when it’s quiet before a tornado hits or something.. yeah like that. “Noah, Try to breathe, please. “ I said and put my hand above his mouth. I felt very little air coming from him. “You can’t die on me idiot.” I growled slightly and tried first aid like we were taught in health class hoping that’d work.  

“I… thought you’d be happy… at least I won’t tease you. Besides… there’s… one anti-virus, take it.” Noah’s words didn’t exactly make any sense… anti-virus?

“B-but. Noah. I don’t want you to die.” I sniffed. “ I-I need you.”

I felt his arm wrap around my neck, pulling me forward to rest his forehead against my own. “Wesley, listen… I’m not going to die… I promise. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

The moment suddenly became unexpectedly strange… well stranger than what was happening. I gazed down into Noah’s eyes and I felt a feeling almost alien to me… a foreign feeling that had me scared. My heart quickened, but it was Noah’s next action that had me more confused than anything that had happened over the last two days. Perfectly, his mouth came inches from mine and for a moment I decided to see what happened… only just as I was about to inch forward and close the tiny gap, a door flung open… and I pulled back sharply. What the hell...

I saw those...dead... things walking in. There was around fifteen of them, and they were heading toward Noah and I. Although rather slowly.

“Noah, You need to.... Stand up or something...” I said and stood up, but pulled Noah up with me. He seemed surprised at my strength that I believe I gained in only one day. What the hell did the serum do to us? “Look!” I pointed to the things....

“Okay… Okay, we need to work together. Wesley, have you got my back? Can I trust you?”

“No why would I?” I said sarcastically, Yeah even when I’m scared I can be sarcastic. “Yeah I do ,don’t worry... um too much.”

I had never seen Noah display so much fear before, I’d always figured he was quite tough, but I guess even he gets scared. He held up his fists, and as he stared ahead, spoke quietly.

“Do me a favour, Wesley.”

“Um what would that be?” I asked looking back at the zombies, again they were disgusting. They need showers all of them... Maybe I do too.  I blinked then looked back at Noah.

“Against all the odds, don’t you dare bail on me.” He looked back at me then, his cloudy eyes connecting with mine as he spoke in a tone I’d never heard before. “Because I think I need you too.”

“I don’t believe I can or will want to.” I said and nodded, “Now, I think we’re able to kill the undead. Huh? Noah?”

“Let’s go kick some zombie butt.” He grinned at me, and we began to attack these random things, one by one.

Eventually we got down to one, and Noah crushed it upside the head with a rock that we had found in the sand. Funny what you can find in the sand huh? I made a quick glance around the room and sighed. I closed my eyes... No more, for now at least.   

Apocolyptic Shadows(boyxboy)*Completed*Where stories live. Discover now