Chapter Nine

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Wesley’s P.O.V- Connections

    In our special moment, the stupid scientist opened the freaking door making Noah and I jump. We looked at the three, Okay we still don’t know who the big buff scientist dude is. He’s ugly if you ask me, The blondie Doctor Finlay isn’t to bad and Miranda well it’s obvious that I’m not interested in girls. Because I’m very happy with Noah, even though we quite haven’t made it clear that we’re boyfriends. I suppose initially we are now.

    “Oh I’m sorry did we interrupt a moment?” Doctor Finlay asked, “Awe it seems you haven’t eaten your food, that’s to bad.”

    “We can’t eat that shit.” I growled at him and narrowed my eyes. “We’re not animals!”

    “Well actually you’re in the animal section well the mammal to be specific.” Miranda pipped up.

    “Still were humans.”

    “Oh so that’s what you think you are.” The blonde laughed, “Sure.”

    “Then what are we if not human?”

    “You are my little experiments, it doesn’t classify you as humans anymore.”

    “That’s wrong you can’t take away our rights.” I said and stood up, really wanting to hit him now. He’d be dead if I were to get to his head... Not psychotic at all thinking about how I would go about doing that.

    “Shut up one-hundred-one.” Finlay commanded, then looked back at his gorilla dude, “Chain them up we’re headed to the lab again.” 

    I sighed and just stood there, I heard Noah stand up beside me. I looked up at him, then looked ahead.

Once we were chained up, the gorilla dude. Yup that’s his new name. Plus he smells like a dying pig. He pulled us out the dark room and the painful lights hit my eyes, I stumbled a little from not being able to see from the brightness that blinded my eyes.

We came to stairs and had to walk up them even though the stairs were the ones that they use in construction where the steps were poky to walk on, and hurt bare feet. So yeah that was painful, I think my feet started to bleed, well I hope not.

    When we got to normal ground we had to walk on floors that were designed like in a hospital or something.

    We got to a room, yes I'm skipping a few parts getting to something interesting instead of just walking...boring right? Anyway we got to a room that had science equipment like the very first room we were in, actually it was identical. Except in the little cell glass things there were giant wolves one was black the other was white. The white one had pure red eyes and the black one had shocking blue eyes.

    “Why are we he-”

    “Did I tell you you could speak !” Finlay glared at me as he interrupted me, I rolled my eyes at him and sighed. That was a bad idea because I was yanked forward by him and punched in the face. Why the hell did it have to be my face?

    I groaned and dropped down to the floor and brought a hand to my face feeling where he had hit me. From the back of the room, I heard Noah yelling angrily.

           “Don’t touch him! I’ll kill you, I swear on your life, I’ll kill you!” I could see him trying to lunge himself at Finlay, but the gorilla dude held him back with minimal effort.  

           "Now. Now child, don't be a baby." He said and laughed randomly. I wanted to punch him, how dare he insult Noah that's my job. I stood up and grabbed Noah's arm.

        "Don't let the dick get to you." I said calming. Noah was set free by a violent shove, causing him to fall to his knees. When he spoke his tone held something I’d never heard before.

         “I swear to god that if I become a zombie, I’m totally biting all three of you bastards. You can count on it.” It’s almost like fear… and threats merging together.

          I looked up at him and sighed. Miranda unlocked my chains and pushed me over to a table and made me sit down. The gorilla dude made Noah sit down across from me making us look at each other. I didn't have a problem with that I actually liked looking at Noah. Although it made me worry what he wanted to do with us this time.

            "Miranda go get them." Finlay  demanded.The woman nodded and went into a glass room. She walked out a moment later with syringes. I really hate needles now. The liquid in it was green and blue. Odd.  Miranda gave Finlay one and she kept one. She stepped in front of me ,"don't worry dear this won't hurt to bad."  She made my head lean forward and she slipped the needle into my neck toward where the little space that your neck bent as it went down. It felt really strange. She was right for once it wasn't too painful. When she took it out my vision blurred for a moment. I started to hear in my mind someone else's thoughts. I guess, it was confusing.

        Miranda stepped away from me and I looked at Noah again.

          "Okay we're going to play a little game." Finlay told me. I nodded slightly."what number am I thinking of?"

         I looked up at him, what game was this? I suddenly heard something' twelve.'

         "Twelve?" I asked, he nodded.

        "Yes. Good it works." He turned toward Noah and he copied what Miranda did to me to him.

          A minute later I felt something in my mind looking for something. I looked at Noah and smiled. 'Hi.'i sent wondering if he'd hear it. ‘What the… did you? Hi.’ His face looked really confused as he semi-freaked out in his own mind.

          'Calm down, yah this is interesting.' I sent, and smiled. I was calm so maybe it'd make him calm. ‘I am calm… okay, that’s a terrible lie. What do you think they’ve done to us? I feel weird. You look hot by the way.’ A grin spread across his face, playfully and he winked slowly.  

          'I don't know what they did, but I like this.' I smiled at him,'oh and thanks I still need that shower.'

          ‘Okay you seriously need to stop telling me that, especially when we’ve made out. I think it’s pretty stupid of them to be honest, I mean we can now choose never to speak to them and only communicate to one another… maybe plot our escape.’ His face had softened and become serious, but still his eyes glistened and that was quite nice to see.

     'That we can.' I smiled. Finlay and the other two looked at us curiously.

       "Chess bring them to the washroom. It's time for a step up for them." He said then grabbed a clipboard and left, but before."and bring them to one eleven." He left. So we were then taken by the gorilla dude to the washroom yes shower. Noah heard me.

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