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"Brrr brrr brrrr."

      The sound of Sykkuno's phone vibrating on his nightstand awoke him from his deep sleep. He squinted against the sunlight streaming through the blinds and lifted his head, could taste a coppery staleness in his mouth. Stray papers crumpled loudly and pens dug into his side as he rolled over to grab it amongst the litter of water bottles and snack wrappers.

"Hello?" He asked groggily into the speaker, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Sykkuno!" Jay's voice was enough to jolt him awake. "Where the hell are you? Class is about to start! You're gonna miss the test!"

He gasped and sat up, scrambling to look at his alarm. "Crap!" He'd stayed up the whole night studying for his physics test that he'd forgotten to set it. "I'll be right there, thank you for calling me!"

He flew out of bed and pulled on a sweater and some sweats, almost knocking over his bonsai plant that sat atop his dresser in the process. He grabbed his bag and scrambled to find his keys at his gaming computer to lock his dorm. Sometimes he missed having his younger sister jump on his back to wake him up in the mornings. If he was still living at home, he was sure he wouldn't be as late as he was now.

He dashed out into the cool fall morning, crispy leaves crunching underneath his shoes as he raced across the campus. By the time he reached the classroom, his lungs were burning. He clutched his chest as he walked in and noticed everyone was already seated in the lecture hall. The professor was busy handing out papers, so he didn't notice him coming in.

He quickly spotted Jay in the back row, he could make out his beautiful blue eyes anywhere. Sykkuno pushed his matted black hair out of his eyes and made his way towards him. As he moved closer, he noticed a student sitting beside him that had long, curly dark hair tied into a low ponytail. He had olive tinted skin and dark eyes that were focused on the table. Sykkuno had never seen him before, was he new? He noticed his tattoos peeking out from under his shirt then and the piercings too, was that eyeliner-

"Jesus Sy, you look like shit." Jay scanned him up and down.

"I feel like shit." He laughed awkwardly. They'd known each other for five years now and he still got so nervous around him. He glanced over at the boy who was now staring at him curiously.

"Well, at least you made it on time."

"Please take your seat." The teacher spoke from behind him. Sykkuno noticed there was an empty seat beside the new student.

"Oh shit, I almost forgot to introduce you two," Jay gestured towards him, "Sy this is Corpse, we were friends back at my old high school before I moved here. He just transferred here yesterday and is in our program. There's an empty seat beside him if you want to sit down."

Sykkuno cleared his throat. "Ah, hi. Nice to meet you." He tried hard to hide his disappointment that he couldn't be close to Jay today. Although it was his fault because he was late.

"Hey." Corpse's deep and raspy voice stopped him in his tracks as he moved to sit beside him.

Jay giggled. "Don't worry, that was my reaction too when I first heard him speak."

"Okay, no more talking." Their teacher interrupted and handed them their tests. "You all may begin your midterm, you have two hours. Corpse you can just spend this period catching up on what we've studied since your new to this program."

"Okay, thanks." He nodded. A few students looked back at him, not out of disgust but rather interest. Sykkuno noticed a few girls eyeing him up and down. He hadn't even been there a day and he was already on everyone's radar.

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