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"Okay pretend I'm Jay. Try flirting with me and I'll tell you everything that's wrong." Corpse told him later that night. They sat across from each other on the floor and Corpse munched on a bag of potato chips. He thrust the bag towards Sykkuno. "Wait, before we start do you want some?"

"I'm good thanks, I need to get into the zone and not be distracted by food." He took in a deep breath.

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Okay, pretend you're Jay." Sykkuno whispered firmly to himself. He started batting his eyes then to look more innocent and endearing.

Corpse stopped eating. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to flirt like you told me."

"You look like you're having a seizure."

"Hey!" He snapped.

"Well it's true!" Corpse let out a sigh. "Look you need to relax alright? Just act casual. Why don't you give him a compliment or something. What's something that you like about him?"


"One thing in particular dude."

Jay's pretty blue eyes immediately popped into his head then. He looked directly at Corpse and envisioned them before him. "Your eyes are as deep and blue as the ocean, every time I look into them I fall further for you."

When Corpse didn't say anything back, Sykkuno snapped out of his trance. "Was that good?"

Corpse cleared his throat and shoved some more chips into his mouth. "Yeah it was, that was really poetic."

Sykkuno groaned. "I feel like I can do it easily with you because you're not actually him. But when I get near him I just turn into a mess."

"Then just try to imagine someone else when you're with him, that might distract you."

"Maybe you're right."

It fell silent between them and Corpse glanced at him. "Um, can I ask you something? What made you start liking Jay so much?"

A painful image of his past pierced his memory then. Him crying four years ago after finding out his dad passed away and Jay being there to hold him. "He's just always been by my side for as long as I can remember. He's helped me through the good and the bad times. I just can't imagine my life without him."

Corpse nodded but didn't say anything.

"What about you? How did you get to know him?" Sykkuno asked. He was curious, but also feeling nosy.

"Similar to you, he helped me through a lot. I used to get bullied and he tried his best to defend me." His voice sounded distant.

"I feel like he does so much for other people, I just want to cherish him and make sure he's loved too." Sykkuno said softly. "By the way, sorry about the bullying. I used to get picked on for being really quiet. It might not be the same as your experience but I know how much it can affect someone."

Corpse's face fell. "Yeah..."

It went quiet again but it wasn't a comfortable silence, more suffocating.

"So," Sykkuno cleared his throat, trying to change the subject. "What do you think about Raina?"

"Raina?" Corpse tilted his head, "she's nice, but not really my type."

"I thought you didn't have a type."

He smirked. "So you were eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"No...Whatever. I'm just surprised you're not dating anyone, considering how many people like you." He said.

"I don't really care about everyone that has feelings for me. If I can just find one person that I can vibe with, then I'll be fine." Corpse shrugged.

"Right." Sykkuno laid down on the floor. "So what else can you teach me?"

"Whoa, you're getting way too ahead of yourself now. You still need to work on your flirting." He chuckled.

Sykkuno shot him a look.

"But," he spoke slowly, "maybe you can try figuring out how you're going to ask him out."


"Maybe ease into the conversation. Tell him what you told me about his eyes and then go from there."

Sykkuno yawned. "Okay, I'm definitely going to try."

Corpse stared at him. "Are you getting tired?"

"Yeah a little, but I want to practice more."

"No," Corpse stood up, "you should get some rest."

"Oh c'mon, we barely did anything."

"I'm not the one yawning here, you are."

"Please just five more minutes, teach me something else."

Corpse crouched down and looked at him. "Do you know how to kiss?"

"No, I've never kissed anyone before."

"Okay, then let me show you."

Corpse leaned over him, placing his hand by his head so he was pinned below him. Sykkuno's eyes widened.

"Pfft." He chuckled. "You should see your expression right now."

Sykkuno clenched his teeth and pushed him away. "Will you stop doing that!"

"Doing what?"

"Coming close to me and catching me off guard!"

"Sorry," Corpse gave him a smile that made his whole body freeze up. "I just like teasing you."

Sykkuno watched him closely as he stood back up again.

"Get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

"If I manage to ask him out in the future," Sykkuno stopped him before he left, "will you actually teach me properly what you were about to do?"

Corpse faced him again, his gaze was more dark now; almost challenging. "You really want me to?"

The word fell out of his mouth before he could stop it.


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