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The sound of Jay knocking at Sykkuno's door made his heart jump.

He'd told him to meet him at his dorm after he left Corpse's place. How things had ended off with Corpse, made him feel sick to his stomach. But he had to push it down to face Jay.

"Don't touch me until you know exactly what you want." His voice rang through his head.

Sykkuno gripped the door handle and clenched his teeth. He forced himself to open it. When he laid his eyes on Jay, he immediately noticed his black eye from Corpse's punch. His other eye looked red almost as if he was crying.

They stood facing each other for a while, no one moving or saying anything.

"Can I come in?" Jay asked hesitantly then.

Sykkuno stepped aside to make room for him to come through. "Sure."

Jay walked passed him but he didn't sit down, just shoved his hands into his pockets. "I wanted to apologize to you Sy."

Sykkuno didn't look at him.

"What I did...Is something that a best friend shouldn't ever do." He said. "I shouldn't have led you on, I should have told you straight up that I didn't feel the same way. But I was so fucking scared, I didn't want me rejecting you to ruin our friendship. The guilt that I felt after I said yes to our date, it made me feel sick Sy. I just couldn't handle it, I-I thought if you found out how I truly felt you would hate me-"

"So you decided to fix that by kissing another girl in the middle of our date?" He gave him a look of disbelief. "What exactly were you thinking when you did that?"

"I wasn't thinking....I just, I don't know. Maybe I thought that I could distract myself or something. Either way, there was no excuse for what I did." Jay pressed.

"You know...I'm in love with you."

His eyes widened.

Sykkuno took in a deep breath. For so long, it was so difficult for him to say that, for him to face his feelings. But now it just came out so easily. Why? No, he knew why, because it wasn't hard for him anymore. Facing Jay wasn't hard because he didn't love him as much as he did in the past. He would always be his first love; but his heart shifted because of Corpse.

"I've been in love with you for a long time now. That's why I wanted to take you out, because I thought maybe...Just maybe that I had a chance." He chuckled. "But I realized quickly that you cannot make someone that you love, love you back. That not everything is going to work out the way you intended it to. And maybe, there's a reason for that."


"Even though what you did was stupid, you're not a bad person Jay. I'm hurt, but I don't hate you. I can't hate you, you've helped me so much. Our bond and our friendship isn't going to be erased just because of this. It might take some time for us to get back on the right track, but that's better than just running away right?" He gave him a smile, even though it hurt to do so.

Jay stared at him for a long time and then nodded. "You're right...But still, I feel horrible about what I did. If there's anything I can do for you, please tell me."

"I'm fine...The only thing you can do now is make sure you never do that to someone again." He glared at him. "If you do I swear I'll kick your ass. I have absolutely no idea how I will, but I'll figure out how to do it."

Jay chuckled. "It's fine, I deserve it. Raina tried to punch me in my other eye after I told her what happened. She was pissed too."

"Rightfully so."

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