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Sykkuno's body was numb but he could still feel Corpse's grip around his wrist. "W-What?" He managed to utter out.

"Why do you sound so confused? Isn't this what you said you wanted?" Corpse loosened his grip slightly.

He did say that. But he couldn't tell what the reason was anymore. What were his intentions? Did he want to learn properly or was it something else? Why was he so confused about what he actually wanted?

"Okay," he spoke tentatively, "teach me."

Corpse let go of his wrist and put a finger beneath his chin to prop it up slightly towards him. Sykkuno could feel himself getting sucked into his intense gaze so he closed his eyes.

"Are you sure?"


It became harder to breathe as he felt the space close between them. Sykkuno's skin prickled with heat when he felt Corpse's breath against his lips.

"I'll be gentle." He whispered before brushing his lips against his. It was light and airy at first, their lips moving gently across each other's as if they were both afraid of accidentally hurting the other. But they slowly fell into place and Corpse began moving deeper, his lips pressing harder against Sykkuno's. Sykkuno let out a small gasp to get some air in and Corpse slipped his tongue into his mouth, catching him off guard. Sykkuno followed his lead and pushed deeper. Their lips moved roughly across each other's, tongues intertwining as they collided.

Corpse suddenly broke away and dragged his lips down to his jawline, kissing slowly. Sykkuno could feel everything, even his hands that were now wrapped around his waist and entangled in his hair. Corpse knitted his fingers further into the strands as he tilted Sykkuno's head back to kiss his neck. Sykkuno clasped the back of his shirt in his hands as he sucked eagerly on the skin.

"Mm," a small moan escaped his lips.

Corpse pulled back slowly and leaned his head against Sykkuno's chest. He chuckled. "Fuck, if you do that I don't think I'm going to be able to control myself."

Their pants filled the air as reality slowly started to set back in. What had just happened?

No one moved or spoke for a long time. But Sykkuno was the first one to push away.

"You know," he stood and turned his back to him. "Raina likes you a lot. I know she's not your type, but she's a good person...You should be with her. Maybe we can all go out together-"

"Why the fuck are you suddenly telling me this?"

He let out a shaky breath. "Because...I care about Jay."

"God," Corpse laughed almost in disbelief. "I know that Sykkuno. We just kissed, you told me that you didn't know how to so I was teaching you like you asked...Just in case anything happened on your date."

The words sounded even more stupid coming out in the open than in his head.

Sykkuno looked back at him, but Corpse couldn't even meet his gaze. He wanted to laugh. "So that's the only reason why you kissed me...Just for a lesson?"

Their eyes locked suddenly. "Isn't that why I'm here?"

He was right.

The only reason he came here everyday, was so that he could help him win over Jay. There was nothing else between them and he was stupid to even think it. His type was girls like Crystal, even if he denied it. But almost everyone at the school was attracted to him. Why would he pick Sykkuno out of everyone? It was so unrealistic and Sykkuno knew better than that. It was just safer for him to give his heart to Jay.

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