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"YOU ASKED HIM OUT?" Raina screamed when Sykkuno told her the news the next day. They sat down for coffee and hot chocolate at the small cafe in the food complex.

"Shh! Dude what the hell, not everyone needs to know!" He hushed her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She squealed. "I just can't believe it. I was literally just telling you to tell him your feelings and now you two are going out on a date!"

He sighed and stirred his coffee slowly. "Well I haven't exactly told him how I feel yet, but I will when we go out."

"It's okay Sy, one step at a time. The fact that you're going out on a date is amazing enough." She gasped suddenly. "Wait! What if I asked Corpse out and we did like a double date kinda thing?"

Sykkuno's stomach dropped at the mention of him. They hadn't spoken since last night when he discovered the marks on his wrist. He hoped he was doing okay. He wanted to ask him what happened, but he didn't want to invade his privacy.

"What? Is it not a good idea?" Raina pressed.

"No, sorry it's not that. I was just thinking about something else." He shook his head. "Anyways, I still need to figure out where we're going to go. I was thinking of a nice place for dinner."

"Ooh that sounds romantic." She smiled. "Speaking of Jay, where the hell is he? I haven't seen him all morning."

"Maybe he's sleeping in."

Raina stood up suddenly and Sykkuno gave her a weird look.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"No, look!" She pointed behind him and he turned around. It was Corpse, he was walking with a really pretty girl. They looked like they were going to order food together. "I can't believe that slut Crystal Jamison is about to steal Corpse from me."

"Who in the world is Crystal Jamison?"

"I went to high school with her, she hooked up with everyone; even a teacher. And now she got her claws into Corpse, I will not let this happen." Raina seethed.

Sykkuno studied her. She was tall and skinny, with tan skin and long, sleek black hair. She was also dressed down in designer clothing. They seemed to be talking pretty seriously about something and laughing too. So she was his type? It surprised him for some reason. He shook his head and looked away. Why did he even care?

"I'm going to ask Jay where he is." He muttered and pulled out his phone.

"No! We need to go over there and stop them!"

"Raina, what you need to do is calm down."

He noticed that Jay had already texted him but he didn't notice.

Jay: "I'm not feeling too well, think I'm gonna ditch classes today."

He replied back quickly.

Sykkuno: "Okay, feel better soon."

Maybe he would go over to his place later and check up on him.

"Dammit, they're leaving." Raina huffed, but Sykkuno didn't look back at them again.

He couldn't bring himself to do it.


Sykkuno set up a small coffee table in the middle of his dorm that night. He put plates and utensils on either side, then a small flower vase in the middle that he'd gotten from his cupboard. He was trying to imitate a fancy date setting. He'd even cooked, but it was mainly because he was hungry.

As he put the pasta on the plates, the door to his dorm creaked open slowly. Corpse stood in the doorway and gazed curiously at the set up. "What are you doing?"

"I just want to practice for the date." He said, suddenly feeling awkward.

Corpse smiled and walked over, sitting down on the floor. "This smells amazing, what is it?"

"Shrimp linguine." Sykkuno put the pot back onto the stove and then sat down across from him. "So...When we're together, what should I do? I don't want to make him bored, what should we talk about?"

Corpse twirled some pasta around his fork. "Don't think too hard about it. You two have known each other for five years, just have a normal conversation. Why don't you talk to me like how you would talk to him?"

Sykkuno straightened himself up. "So Jay...How is your day going?"

Corpse chuckled. "Why do you sound so stiff?"

"Because I'm nervous obviously."

"Don't be nervous, remember this is just practice." Corpse took a bite. "Holy shit, this is delicious."

"Thanks." He smiled as he took another bite. His heart felt warm watching him eat. He was glad he was feeling better after yesterday. "So...Are you going to ask that Crystal girl out soon?"

Corpse stopped chewing. "Huh?"

"I saw you two today, you look cute together." Sykkuno picked at his pasta.

"Oh..." He cocked his head, his eyes challenging him again. "Why, you think I should?"

"If you want." He shrugged.

"Well I don't really like her like that. We're just hanging out."


The room became quiet and tense. Sykkuno wanted to punch himself in the face. Why did he even bring it up?

"If you want to engage Jay on the date," Corpse spoke up then, "you can't just talk to him. You need to make moves too."

"Oh, right. What do you think I should do-"

Corpse took his hand then and rubbed his thumb along his knuckles. Sykkuno's heart fluttered. "Subtle things like this, just to show that you want to be closer to him."


Corpse moved his hand back but Sykkuno held onto it and pulled him forward. He brought his thumb to the corner of his mouth and brushed it gently. He let his thumb linger on his lips for a little longer.

"Sorry, you had a little sauce on your face." He whispered.

Corpse watched him intently.

Sykkuno smiled mischievously. "Was that good?"

"Yeah it was."

He was about to sit back down but Corpse held onto his wrist, not allowing him to move. Sykkuno looked at him in surprise.

"If you're going to do something like that," he spoke slowly, his voice vibrating through his body, "he's going to think you want to kiss him."

Sykkuno trembled. "So...So what should I do then?"

Corpse licked his lips.

"Do you want me to teach you for real now?" 

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