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Jay cradled his face in shock and then glared at Corpse. Corpse was about to strike him again but Sykkuno quickly raced over and stood in between them.

"Stop!" He yelled.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Jay snapped.

"What the fuck is my problem?" Corpse hissed and moved Sykkuno behind him. "You have the audacity to make out with another girl right in front of him, and you're asking me what my problem is?"

"I didn't know he was there-"

"That's not the fucking point!" He yelled. "Why would you agree to go out with him if you were just going to pull this shit? Do you not realize how much he cares about you?"

"I know...I just, I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to turn him down...I couldn't do that." Jay shook his head.

He clenched his fist. "You didn't want to hurt him by rejecting him, but you'd rather lead him on and then break his heart? Are you an idiot?"

Jay glared at him. "Why the fuck do you even care so much? This is none of your business!"

Corpse grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Do you know how badly I want someone to love me the way he loves you? You know exactly what I went through, how lonely I was because everyone except you treated me like shit! I literally reached rock bottom and almost fucking killed myself Jay! I wish I could have what you have! But you don't even give a shit, you're deliberately hurting him because you want to be stupid and reckless! How can you be so selfish-"

Sykkuno put a hand on his shoulder. "Corpse, it's okay. Please stop."

He felt him ease up against his touch. Corpse let go of him abruptly and stepped back. Sykkuno handed Jay his blazer.

He took it back slowly. "I'm sorry Sy-"

"Let's just go home before we get kicked out." Sykkuno couldn't even look at him. The girl who he was kissing looked at them in confusion.

Raina suddenly emerged from the crowd then. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Nothing, let's just go." Corpse muttered and walked past her. Raina looked at him and Jay next, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. He just wanted to go home and cry himself to sleep.

They left the club and walked out into the parking lot. Corpse was leaning against the hood of his car with his arms crossed. He gave Jay a dark look when he spotted him. "Jay take Raina home, let Sykkuno come with me."

"Why-" Jay started but he quickly cut him off.

"Because I don't want you alone with him. I think he's been through enough for tonight."

Raina stepped forward. "Is someone going to tell me what the fuck is going on? Corpse, why aren't I going with you?"

"I promise I'll explain it to you later. Please just trust me right now." He walked towards Sykkuno and took his hand.

"No," Sykkuno pulled it back, "you should stay with Raina, you shouldn't just leave her-"

"Sykkuno." His voice was firm. "I'm not arguing with you right now."

Sykkuno felt numb as he took his hand again and led him towards his car. Corpse opened the door for him and he sat down silently, just staring blankly straight ahead. The sound of the engine starting made his head hurt even more. He leaned it against the cool pane of the window and closed his eyes as Corpse pulled out of the lot.

They drove for a long time in silence. Sykkuno didn't have the energy to speak. His heart felt heavy in his chest. He just didn't understand. It hurt that Jay didn't actually like him. But it hurt even more that he probably felt so repulsed by him that he would hook up with someone else in the middle of their date. It made him feel so small and ugly. Was he really not worth it to him at all?

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