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"I-It just feels so wrong for me to say this, because I know you're in a lot of pain right now." Corpse whispered. "But to be honest, even though you got hurt by him tonight and I was so pissed off...There was still something within me that was so happy that you two wouldn't be together."

Sykkuno's heart thumped loudly in his ears.

"I only agreed to help you with Jay, because I wanted to be closer to you. That's so selfish right?" His voice sounded hollow. "You were trying so hard with him and all I wanted was to have you for myself. Doesn't that make me a shitty person? To fall in love with someone who loves someone else? But that note you put in my bag...Even though I knew it wasn't for me; that was the first time someone told me they loved me. So when I saw that...I just, I just held onto it. No matter what, I couldn't let you go."

He closed his eyes.

"But it's Jay. He's the one you love, it'll always be him. That was clear to me after we kissed." He continued. "There was no space in your life for me-

Sykkuno stood up, his body moving on its own. He walked towards the couch and reached for Corpse in the dark. When he felt his shirt, he grabbed him and pulled him forward. Their bodies collided, almost as if they were desperate to be near each other. Sykkuno gripped onto him and kissed him hard, desperately. Corpse was frozen at first, but he eventually kissed him back. He bit Sykkuno's lip as he forced him down onto the couch, his hands slipping underneath his shirt. Sykkuno shivered as he rubbed his torso and chest. He arched his back to get closer to him, their lips still moulded around each other.

Corpse broke away slightly, his forehead pressed against his. Sykkuno ran his hand slowly through his hair and traced his fingers down the back of his neck.

"How could I hate you," He spoke then. "When I'm falling for you too?"

Corpse didn't say anything back, he just rested his head on Sykkuno's chest. Sykkuno closed his eyes, his body felt light...Like he was floating. As he drifted into a deep sleep, he could hear Corpse's muffled sobs.


Bright sunlight streamed into Sykkuno's eyes when he fluttered them open the next morning. He yawned and turned onto his back, glancing down at his body. He was still on the couch, but a blanket was draped over him.

"Good morning." He heard Corpse's voice from the kitchen then.

He sat up and glanced back at him. His stomach dropped when he noticed he was shirtless. Corpse came towards him with a plate of severely burnt eggs.

"I made you breakfast." Corpse smiled and placed the eggs on the table.

Sykkuno stared down at them. "Uh...Thanks...But did you light them on fire?"

"They may have ignited a little..." He scratched just chin, "sorry, I'm not exactly the best at cooking."

Sykkuno laughed.

Corpse sat down beside him and watched him eat with a small smile on his face. Sykkuno glanced at him, scanning his bare chest.

"What?" Corpse smirked.

"Nothing...Just wondering where your shirt is."

"You took it off last night when we had sex."

Sykkuno started choking. "W-When we did what?"

Corpse chuckled. "I'm just joking Sy, we didn't do anything. We both just crashed out after everything-"

"I heard you crying though...Why?" He asked carefully.

"Because," A soft expression fell onto his face, "I haven't felt so happy in a long time."

Sykkuno smiled. "I feel the same way-"

His phone chimed loudly then and he picked it up slowly. His heart fell when he noticed it was Jay. Corpse glanced down to see and his jaw tensed.

"I should probably talk to him." He said tentatively, letting the call end. "But face to face."

Corpse looked down at his hands. "Maybe I should come with you."

Sykkuno shook his head. "No...It's better if I do it alone."

Sykkuno stood up then to put his plate away. As he washed the dish, he felt Corpse behind him. He snaked his hands around his waist and hugged him tightly. Sykkuno shivered when he felt his lips on his neck.

"I don't want you to leave." He whispered into his skin.

He pulled away and went to go dry his hands. "We'll see each other at school, don't worry."

Corpse watched him closely. "So what is this exactly?"

"What is what?"

"I don't know...This. We kissed again last night, and told each other how we felt." He said. "I want it to be something more, but what do you want Sy?"

"I think," he sighed, "that I should clear things up with Jay first."

"Why? What does he have to do with what goes on between us?"

Sykkuno fell quiet.

Corpse laughed and shook his head. "See? I fucking told you, it'll always be him for you."

"It's been less than a day since all this happened, Corpse. Jay is my first love...My feelings for him are not just going to disappear overnight. But that doesn't mean I'm pursuing them anymore, I told you I like you and I meant that." He pressed.

"So when you see him, your mind isn't going to change?"

Sykkuno didn't say anything back.

"This is why," Corpse walked past him but stopped half way. "I didn't want to tell you how I felt, because I knew you only wanted to hear an answer to distract you from what happened with Jay. This is what happens when your heart gets broken Sy, you want someone to fix it for you...You want someone to fill your void."

He looked back at him. "That's not true-"

"So If that date didn't happen last night, would you even have told me how you felt? If everything worked out with Jay, would you be with him right now or me?" He whispered.

A lump rose in Sykkuno's throat. Why couldn't he answer the question?

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Corpse began walking again but Sykkuno ran towards him and grabbed his arm.


"Don't fucking touch me!" He snapped it away and Sykkuno let go in surprise. Corpse looked back at him, but his eyes weren't angry. They just looked sad and torn.

Tears filled them, and Sykkuno knew this time they weren't of happiness.

"Don't touch me until you know exactly what you want."

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