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Sykkuno scrambled from his bed and snatched the note from Corpse's hand. He clutched it against his chest and gave him a sharp look. "Where did you get this from?"

Corpse pointed at his bag. "I just said you put it in my bag-"

"No, I didn't! I put it in Jay's bag!" His eyes studied Corpse's bag then and his stomach sank. They were both black. He was probably so drunk that he didn't even realize he put it in the wrong one. How could he be so stupid? He literally had one job, just to give the note to Jay but he completely screwed it up. Now Corpse thought he was in love with him and Jay still didn't know how he felt.

"Hey, you know I'm joking right? It's pretty obvious that that note wasn't for me, considering we just met yesterday." Corpse chuckled then.

"Listen to me," Sykkuno walked towards him and put a firm hand on his shoulder, "you can't tell Jay about this alright? Not a single word to anyone."

"I promise I won't tell."

"You need to swear on it."

"I swear I won't tell."

"Pinky promise-"

Corpse put a hand on his shoulder now. "Sykkuno, can you relax? I'm not telling him or anyone anything. This is your business, not mine."

Sykkuno sighed and slumped back onto his bed. He just wanted to curl up and disappear.

Corpse watched him quietly for a while before speaking up. "I know it's not really my place to say anything, but...Is that really how you were thinking of confessing to him?"

"Yes." He huffed. "Is there something wrong with it?"

"Yes, because we're not in the 1950s anymore."

"Okay great philosopher of love and emotions, please do tell me the right way to confess to someone in 2020!"

Corpse turned away from him and began walking towards the door. "If you don't want my help then I can just go-"

Sykkuno sat up quickly. "Wait!"

He stopped moving.

"Sorry, you just don't really seem like the type of person that would know a lot about romance and love."

"Wow, that's kind of offensive."

He pursed his lips. "I said sorry."

Corpse leaned back against the wall by the door and shoved his hands in his pockets. "You don't have to look like cupid to have common sense about love."

"I guess you're right...So what do you think I should do then?"

"Well, how long have you known Jay?"

Sykkuno shrugged. "Five years now."

Corpse raised a brow at him. "Five years...And you still don't know how he likes to be confessed to?"

"No, okay? I've never asked him, it's too embarrassing."

"Well...I've only known him for two years and even I have a hunch." Corpse sighed. "Jay is a romantic. He likes romantic movies, he wants his first time to be big, he wants someone to tell him he loves him to his face not on a piece of paper."

Sykkuno bit his lip nervously. How did he not know any of this? Did Jay not show this side of himself around him on purpose? He mainly just acted chill with him, not really like a hopeless romantic. But he obviously showed that side to Corpse; did that mean he liked him?

"So what exactly are you implying?" Sykkuno crossed his arms. "That I should tell him I love him to his face?"

"Maybe not right off the bat, that might scare him away. You need to ask him out first, maybe drop hints."

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