Chapter 7 :I wish your happiness

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Shindou pov


"Hmm?" When I woked up kirino was not here and I dreamed something weird kirino says something and I can't remember what is it. "Kirino?" I asked "Hmm?" Kirino looked at me with his toothbrush is in his mouth and his hair is not tied up my mind is blank because of what kirino looked like "Shindou! Stop spacing out! Akane is waiting, tsk" kirino said made me snap "R-right sorry" I rushed toward the bathroom and brush my teeth and washed my face and while changing I heard that kirino speaking on her phone "Yeah, I'm free today, let's go together this morning, okay bye" kirino hanged up "shindou I'll go first now,good luck on your date~"kirino said before shutting the door "We're not!" I shout I heard him giggle and now I'm alone "Why there's a feeling in my heart that made me crazy?" I whispered and go outside and wait for akane

Ranmaru pov
When I shot the door I heard shindou say they're not dating I giggle but I walked away and suppresses my tears. "Tenma!" I said and he looked at me and waved at me "Let's go?" I asked "Hello kirino senpai~" Kiriya said I just rolled my eyes and we walked toward the tree "So what topic are we going to talk about?" Tenma said we looked to each other and kiriya just giggle and we looked at him while his holding his chin "It's obvious! About your love story" kiriya said and laughed and chop his head "Ittai! Why'd you do that?!" Kiriya asked "My hand slipped" and tenma laugh and we all laughed "Well let's begin with tenma!" Kiriya said "E-ehh?!" Tenma said frustrated "Come on!" Kiriya said and I only nod "W-well yesterday before tsurugi and I sleep we watched movie but I fell asleep and when I woked up I'm in our bed" tenma said while his face is blushing kiraya laughed but I was amazed "Wow" i said "How about uou kiraya?" Tenma said "Hmmm, I don't really have a love feeling yet, maybe soon I'll have feelings like that" kiraya explained and looked at me "What about you kirino senpai?" Kiraya asked and they're waiting to my replied "There's nothing special just bake a cake for akane" i said with a smile "Kirino senpai" tenma said and hugged me "Haha,I'm okay tenma" I said and pat his head and smiled "Tenma!" We heard tsurugi shout "Coach endou said we're going to practice" tsurugi said and we nod "But why are you hugging each other?" Tsurugi asked "Ahh nothing,hehe" I said we head toward the location we're going to practice

- while at the practice -

"Kirino!" Shindou shout "You don't need to shout" i giggled "What is it?" I asked "Where did you go earlier?" Shindou asked while running "Tenma,kiraya and me just talked about something" I said with a smiled "How about you? How's day with akane?" I asked "It's fun!, Thanks btw" shindou said with his cheerful smiled "I'm glad" I smiled but deep inside I'm hurting right now.

- After Practice -

"Sh-shindou ummm here " Akane brought a water bottle and shindou smiled "You looked like a couple how cute~" i teased them two and I saw them blushing hard I laughed at their reaction and shindou began to chase me. After he chased me I said to shindou that I'll go to the restroom and he just nod and akane go to shindou. When I'm in the restroom I can't hold back my tears, I'd cry and someone knock "Kirino senpai, I know your there don't worry kno ones here" kiriya said I know his voice even I don't looked at him I wiped my tears and go outside and looked at kiriya then hugged me "It's okay kirino senpai" kiraya said and hugged him back "You should go back at your room shindou must be worried because everyone go to thier own room, shindou is still your best friend even he loved someone his still worried about you" kiriya said I smiled and hugged him tight "Thank you, kiriya" I said and let go of him "Yeah yeah whatever" he said and I pat his head and run toward our room when I opened the door shindou immediately hugged me "Sh-shindou?" I asked nervously he's crying? I hugged him back Kiriya is right I smiled "Ne,shindou what's wrong?" I asked even I know what is it I need to pretend "Why don't you come back right away?" Shindou asked still hugging me "I'm sorry let's go inside, I'll explain" i said and he nod "So?" He said "This is stupid but I fall asleep because of tiredness" i said and laugh nervously "Then why your eyes red? Liked you cry? Why?" He asked made shock "I-it's nightmares" I said and laugh awkward "What nightmare is it?" Shindou asked worried I need to think something "Z-zombies" i said and look down I need to act but in real this is the nightmare I'm in, I want to escape this nightmare or pain! "Oh okay,don't worry kirino I'm here!" Shindou said "Yeah!" I replied and smiled "Let's go sleep" I said and he nod I wait shindou to sleep when I looked at shindou he's sleep so fast I smiled and hugged him then get up, "I wish your happiness shindou " I smiled bitterly and sleep in the couch.

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