Admit Fourteen

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I sat on my bed, finishing up my online English homework and opening up my drivers education class. Lan had texted me a couple of times about how excited she was for her date with Alan, from the ice-skating rink. It made me happy knowing how much Lan deserved to be with a handsome guy who would take her out and spoil her.

My mind wandered after my third online driving quiz, and my gaze drifted to the window where I saw Wendell standing on his front porch wearing a thick winter coat as he petted Olivander. It was fifty degrees outside, but he was probably keeping warm enough with the sun directly on him.

Courtney was working the afternoon shift, so it was the opportune time to talk to Wendell. I shut my laptop and went downstairs—putting on my winter coat, gloves, and hat. I carefully walked down the snow-compacted steps on our porch, over to the fence between our houses, and waved.

"Hi, Wendell," I said.

He turned and waved back. When I was younger, we had conversations when I took my bike out, but that changed when I got into high school. I started walking to Lan's or staying inside more, and I didn't talk to him anymore.

"Well, hi, Deja." He grinned. The bobble on the top of his hat moved back and forth.

I rested my arms on the fence. "How's Olivander?"

He chuckled and scratched him behind the ears. Olivander pushed his furry head into Wendell's fingertips. "Oh, he's doing well."

"That's good. Mind if I come over and chat like old times?" I reached down to undo the latch on the gate.

He smiled with a gleam in his eye. "Sure. Come on over." We talked on his porch about how I was doing in school, how old I was now, and what I might do when I graduated. Finally, I got up the nerve to ask questions about Courtney.

I pushed my bangs out of my eyes. "So, how long have you known my mom?"

His smile faltered, and he became serious. "Well, your mom moved into the neighborhood when she was a teenager. Your grandmother lived here, too. She was nice. That was about thirty years ago. Your mom and I were in the same graduating class."

This was surprising. Courtney had never mentioned Wendell in high school. She was private about everything in her past. "What was she like?"

He paused, which led me to believe she was probably a real bitch. "Oh, you know, she was... smart." He swallowed nervously and stroked Olivander.

Yep. She was a bitch. "Did she date?"

"Well, she was real pretty. I know she did date, but she didn't get serious until after high school when she married Gerry..." he hesitated and then added, "your dad."

I raised my eyebrows and slowly nodded. So, Gerald was my dad, or at least that's what Wendell believed. "So, Wendell, I know this might be an awkward subject for both of us, but I'm trying to fill in some gaps in my childhood from when I was too young to remember. Please don't mention to my mom that I asked, okay?"

His eyes darted left and right, like he was worried what I might ask.

"Do you know why they split up?"

His eyes dropped back to Olivander. "No, but after they married Gerry moved out before you were born."

My eyebrows drew together. This was news to me. "Did he know about me?"

"I assume so."

"Was he devastated when my sister died?"

The crease between his eyes deepened. "What sister?"

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