thanks, charon

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Fuck you, Moira! Fuck you, raiders! And fuck you especially, wasteland!

A variety of curses spilled from Rose's mouth, her face contorted into a grimace in an attempt to ease the pain radiating from the bullet wound in her thigh. Fumbling around in her bag, the expression turned sourer– there were no stimpaks. Her shoes squeaked on the cracked tiles as she pushed herself up. Trembling, she stumbled forwards and prayed that the remaining raiders wouldn't hear her struggling to move around. Charon, the ghoulified employee she had somehow managed to acquire, was luckily not too far from her current location. Rose hastily wrapped a grimy bandage around the bleeding wound, then began floundering around to find her stoic companion. Empty bottles and food packaging nearly covered the floor, among other nasty bits of dirt and debris. Moira Brown, a store owner in the town of Megaton, had sent her into the abandoned grocery store to find food and medical supplies. Bullets whizzed by the vault dweller's head, reminding her that– plot twist! the store wasn't actually abandoned. Upon seeing her bulky employee taking out a raider, she slid to her knees in pain.

"This is useless! Let's get the hell outta here!!" Rose gripped at his pants and used them to haul herself back to her feet. All she got for a response was a grunt, and a set of scarred fingers curling around her arm and pulling her out of the grocery store. Surprisingly, Charon's touch was gentle, as if he was scared of breaking her. She looked down at the covered wound, maybe he wasn't entirely wrong. But, maybe it was also because of their contract– the ugly scrap of paper that said he had to follow her every command. That's probably it.

The raiders seemed content with the pair leaving the store. Rose was pleased that there were no longer bullets piercing her soft flesh. Instead, the two of them got to stare at the bleak sky of the decrepit wasteland. Charon stopped many feet away from the doors, rightfully cautious of the aggressive people still waiting inside. "Thanks for the hel" She squealed, not expecting him to let go of her arm in favor of simply scooping her up. Glancing up at his damaged face, she could see that his expression was still the same. Eyes glassed over and cold, or...maybe just a little warmer than usual. Rose traded in her shocked look for a smile, but still shifted her shoulders so she wasn't pressed flush against his armored chest. 

"I could've limped back to Megaton," she pointed out.

"You are my employer, and it is my job to keep you safe."

It was a simple response, but one that made Rose feel warm nonetheless. 

"Thanks, Charon."

462 words

[ yes this is longer than a drabble. yes i may have butchered a bunch of stuff since i haven't played fallout 3 in a few months. mind ya own business. ]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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