Chapter One

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Izuku's POV

Why me? 
What have I done to deserve this?
It's only the start of the second week of the new school year and I've already been beaten multiple times by the same people. There were five people standing above me. Kicking me. Punching me. I didn't even recognise them aside from the previous times they jumped me. I didn't know their names or even if they went to UA. But there was one person I would recognise no matter what.
Katsuki Bakugo. 
He has been bullying me for my entire childhood for being quirkless, calling me pathetic and useless. He didn't pick on anyone but me. What made this a real slap in the face was that he was my best friend.


"Hey Kacchan! Wait for me!" little Izuku yelled towards the ash blond boy who was running much faster.
"Hurry up Deku!" he shouted back.
Little Izuku fell and had cut his leg on a jagged rock he hadn't seen. He started crying from the pain. He felt two little arms embracing him, comforting him. "Don't cry Deku. I'll protect you."
"R-really?" little Izuku stuttered.
"Yeah. I'll protect you for ever and ever!"
Little Izuku giggled and hugged Kacchan back.

(End of flashback)

I now wonder where that Kacchan went. I couldn't see him in the Bakugo that stood before me. 
He called off his thugs and told them to leave. I tried to get up on trembling arms before being kicked in the chest, my head colliding with the wall behind me. It was painful to breathe and my head was now pounding. Bakugo said something, but I couldn't hear it over the pulsing in my ears. Spots were dancing in my vision as I slowly lost consciousness. The last thing I saw was Bakugo walking away, leaving me in the alleyway that was coincidentally where I was staying. Despite the new quirk I was given by my idol, I was still too weak. Too pathetic. Maybe my dad was right.

Time skip

My eyes started to slowly open. There was a blinding light above me, but not those of a hospital. More like an LED light? I didn't know and, frankly, I really couldn't care less. But something didn't make sense. Wasn't I supposed to be in the alleyway? That was were I was before I passed out and there were no lights anywhere near that small sliver of space. I bolted up in a panic, ignoring the pain on my side momentarily. I scanned the room around me. It seemed to be a living room with a joint kitchen. I was sat on a sofa with a TV placed in front as well as a low coffee table, comfy looking chairs were also dotted around. There was no wall between the living room and the kitchen which made the room even bigger than it already was. The staircase leading to the upper levels of the house could be seen from my position. I also saw two people making their way towards me. It was Mr Aizawa and Present Mic, two staff members from UA. 
After a beat of confusion, I connected the dots.
I was in their home. Not many people knew about them being together, but it was hard to figure out for me. The question was: how did I get there?
"Your mumbling Midoriya." Mr Aizawa said, a tired look on his face, but worry was shining in his eyes.
"Shota found you in the alleyway while on patrol and brought you here." Present Mic said, crouching down in front of me so that we were at eye level.
I just nodded.
"I appreciate your help," I started, "but you didn't need to go through so much trouble for me. I would've been fine." I give them a smile and make to move before the pain comes back like a punch in the gut. I felt a pair of hands slowly pushing me back into the sofa.
"You aren't going anywhere until you're feeling better." Mic said gently.
I started to panic, "B-b-but-"
"No buts. This is non-negotiable." Mr Aizawa said, also coming closer and crouching next to Mic. "We need to know how this happened."
I froze. 
I couldn't tell them. If I did, Bakugo would get it trouble and then probably kill me. And not just kill me. He would drag it out and made sure it hurt like hell.
I started shaking out of fear before I said, "I couldn't see who they were, but they just jumped me  and attacked. I don't know why." 
It wasn't a total lie. I really didn't know who those other five boys were and I couldn't really make out their faces. 
Aizawa said, as if he knew I was lying. He got up and patted me on the head. "Get some rest, kid. You'll feel better once you do." He walked away and retreated upstairs, leaving me and Mic.
"I know that this might not be the best of times, but can you tell me you parents' number so that I can give them a call?" Mic said, concern lacing his words.
I gave a sad smile. "I wish I could." 
I moved to lay on my shoulder, my back now facing Mic. I heard him walking away as well before I let out my silent tears.


Hope you enjoyed that first chapter. Let me know what you think, I love hearing feedback. I'm going to try and make future chapters longer, but I didn't really know how best to start up the story so this is what I came up with. 
See you in the next chapter.
Byee xxx

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