Chapter Four

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Time skip to the end of the day
Shoto's POV

The last bell of the day had just rung and Midoriya was still unconscious the medical room. Will he be ok? Should I go and check up on him? It won't be weird, I'm just a concerned classmate who is looking out for his cru- I mean friend. Yeah, friend. Don't know what came over me there. 
I shake my head and head off towards the medical room. 
I knock on the door softly before walking in. I saw that he was still asleep on the medical bed and Recovery Girl had spun around on her chair to face me. "How's he doing?" I asked in a monotone voice.
She let out a sigh, "He's doing fine, but he needs to be getting enough rest every night otherwise he won't be able to concentrate on his lessons. I really don't understand you kids. Why do you enjoy damaging your health to such an extent? It harms no one but yourselves. You should learn to take proper care of your body and your quirks."
I nodded my head. 'He isn't getting enough sleep?' I thought. 'Last week he seemed to energetic and somewhat hyper.'
"Do you know anything about him?" Recovery Girl asked.
I shook my head. "We've only known each other for a week. I didn't know him before that."
"Well, for some reason, his parents' contact information wasn't submitted with his form nor his home address. Normally, that information would be kept secure with Principle Nezu, but it is vital information that is missing. Without contacting his parents, I don't know where to send him either and he can't stay here overnight. What to do?" she wondered out loud.
I would offer to let him stay over at my house, but I barely knew him and my home situation wasn't the best right now.
"I'll take him." a tired voice said behind me.
It was Mr. Aizawa. 
I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little shocked. Recovery Girl was thinking the same thing.
"Are you sure?" she asked the sleep-deprived teacher.
"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't." And with that, he walked over to Midoriya and picked him up before walking away. I seemed to be glued to the spot, unable to move. 'Why would Mr. Aizawa offer to look after him?'

Aizawa's POV

It hadn't even been a day. Barely a few hours and this problem child had already managed to get another beating. I let out a tired sigh and walked over to my car. Shinso was already seated in the back while Hizashi was on the passenger's side. Once he saw me with the unconscious boy, he got out of the car and ran over.
"What happened to him?" he was shocked, but more worried than anything.
"He somehow managed to get into another fight. Thankfully, Todoroki was there to stop if from escalating any further." I looked back down to the sleeping boy in my arms. I could see the bandages peeking out from underneath his clothes and let out a sigh. It pained me to see one of my students hurt to such an extent. What made it worse was that I knew it was caused by another student within the school, perhaps more than one.
I walked over to the backseat which Hizashi opened for me before carefully sliding Midoriya inside, placing his head on Shinso's lap who - surprisingly - had no complaints about it. The car ride home was silent, no one knew what to say. It was clear that Hizashi was uncomfortable with the atmosphere, but he was also too worried to say anything. 
As soon as we arrived, the two of us jumped out the car. I went to help Shinso carry Midoriya out while Hizashi unlocked the front door. Trying my best not to move him too much, I managed to carry Midoriya into the spare bedroom and placed him gently on the bed sheets and covered him with a blanket so he doesn't get cold. I slowly make my way out of the room and closed the door as quietly as I could. 
I found Hizashi and Shinso sitting at the kitchen island, worry written on their faces. I let out a sigh and approached them.
"Why is he always hurt when he's at our house?" Shinso asks.
" a very good question." I respond. Letting out another sign, I continue, "I overheard Recovery Girl mentioning that she couldn't get in contact with his parents as well as vital information missing from his file. Normally, this would have been something Principle Nezu would've noticed when looking over the student files before the start of the year, but clearly Midoriya was overlooked. I'll ask him about it when he wakes up, but that may have to wait till tomorrow."
The pair just nodded, now seeming to be even more worried for the greenette and I couldn't blame them. Such a big thing being overlooked is concerning for both the school and the student. More and more theories as to why no one could contact his parents swarmed my mind, none of them particularly good. 
I decided to take a nap before dinner to give my brain a rest and to stop the headache that was about to become unbearable. I trudged up to my room and flopped onto my bed. I didn't have a good feeling about what was to come.

Shinso's POV

He got hurt. Again. I was right next to him this morning yet he managed to get beaten to such an extent again. Why didn't anyone know? Why didn't he say anything? Sure school hasn't been going on for long, but still! Someone knows something. Why did it hurt to see him all bandaged up and in pain, all bruised and bloodied? I've only had a few interactions with the small green haired boy and I know that he is always smiling and very supportive and yet he is the one that seems to be in the most pain. Why? 

That is a good question Shinso. One that won't be answered just yet. 
BTW, Shinso isn't going to be a love rival. I know. Very sad, but this is a Tododeku story and as cute as I find Shindeku, this story aint about that. I may make one in the future, but we will have to wait and see.

Bye xxx

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