Chapter Three

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Shoto's POV

I run as fast as I can while still being mindful of the unconscious boy I held in my arms, trying not to put pressure on any injuries that I couldn't see. I turn down another hallway until I reach my destination. Although I didn't want to just burst through the door, I didn't have much other choice considering my hands being preoccupied. I muttered a quick apology and kicked the door open, trying to minimize the damage as much as possible.
The door opened to reveal a very surprised Recovery Girl who was about to start scolding me before her eyes landed on the boy in my arms. She let out a tired sigh and pointed towards an empty medical bed closest to her desk for me to place him on. I did as I was told.
As gently as I could, I laid Midoriya down on top of the sheets before sitting in the chair next to the bed. He looked so peaceful and calm. His soft green curls were silky to the touch. His round somewhat chubby cheeks were cute. His freckled cheeks that made my heart melt every time he smiled. His feminine but muscular body so alluring. Not to even mention his emerald green eyes that seemed to stare into your soul and take away your stress and pain.
What did I just think?!
Midoriya is just my class mate! I've only known him for a week and a day for crying out loud! It's not like I've already imagined what it would be like to embrace his small frame and make sure no one took him away from me! Or to kiss those soft lips that looked so sweet! Or wished to hear him call my name romantically!
HAHAHA definitely not!
(*gay panic*)
It was then I saw my left side start to flame up ever so slight. I rushed to put out the fire before Recovery Girl turned around and saw my blushing self. Once she headed this way, I had returned to my emotionless face while still screaming on the inside. 
"I have had enough of this child. I saw him all last week and now he's my first patient of the second week before the day has even begun!"
It was strange seeing Recovery Girl angry or frustrated. She didn't seem the type to get so easily irritated. But I then processed what she said.
"He was hurt last week as well?" Strange. He seemed fine during lessons and training. You'd think a week would tell you enough about a person.
(poor oblivious Shoto *pat pat*)
"Came in with a new injury every day. Best case it was just a bruise or a cut, but on the worst days it was a few broken bones. I've already had to heal most of the bones in his arms three times over. At this rate, he is going to sustain severe damage that even I won't be to heal."
'Was Bakugo the cause of all of this? I would need to ask to be sure, but did I really want to talk to that arrogant hothead? Not really. I'll just ask Midoriya when he wakes up,' Shoto thought to himself.
The bell sounded, signalling the start of the first lesson. I was given a note to explain my late arrival and a letter, which looked to be more like an essay, detailing Midoriya's injuries that he received so early in the morning. Once walking towards class 1A, I saw Shinso waiting outside. The tired boy looked as if he was about to fall asleep standing up. I tapped him on his shoulder and watched as the boy jumped several feet up into the air.
Once he calmed down , he let out a breath, "How come you're coming to class late?" Shinso asked.
"I took Midoriya to Recovery Girl." I replied.
Worry flashed across Shinso's face. "What?! Is he OK? What happened?"
Before I could explain, Mr Aizawa opened the door. His usually tired face looked more tired today. Did the man ever get any sleep?
"I hope there's a good reason you're late, Todoroki." he said, crossing his arms across his chest.
Without a word, I handed him the two sheets of paper I was holding. Once he finished reading the two-sided letter he pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh. He looked back at me and motioned for me to enter. I slipped past and walked to my seat, ignoring all the whispered questions, as I sat down. I looked towards Bakugo, who was staring out of the window and into the world beyond, not giving a flying fuck about the fact that he was the reason why Midoriya was laying unconscious in the medical room. I don't know why, but it made me angry about how little empathy he held for his childhood friend. 
While trying - and failing miserably - to burn a hole into Bakugo's skull, Mr Aizawa walked in with Shinso not far behind before speaking.
"As we all know, Mineta was expelled last week for reasons I don't want to talk about in the morning. Shinso will be taking his place in the hero course and be part of 1A from now on. Treat him how you would any other one of your classmates."
This got Bakugo's attention, "So the guy with the villainous quirk is pretending to be a hero? HA! How fucking hilarious!"
"Then why are you the only one laughing?" Shoto asked him. 
Bakugo whipped his head around to face him. "THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME ICYHOT?!"
"Anyone's quirk can be seen as 'villainous', as you said, it's all about how you use them, is it not? For example, I could freeze your ass right now and set fire to your sweat glands which would cause you to explode, but I'm not doing that because I don't want to be a villain. But you on the other hand-"
I was cut off by Bakugo grabbing hold of my shirt and lifting me from my seat. I was slightly taller than him so I was towering over him ever so slightly which seemed to piss him off more. "YOU SAYING I'M A FUCKING VILLAIN?! I'LL BLOW YOUR FACE OFF!" His free hand was popping with small explosions.
I smirked, "Point proven."
There were a few giggles heard throughout the classroom which seemed to make him even angrier than he already was. Just before he could throw a punch, white bandages wrapped around his arm and head, pulling him away from me. I straightened my shirt and blazer before sitting back down in my seat. 
"Bakugo," Mr Aizawa said in a threatening voice, "if you want to remain in my class, I suggest you start acting like a decent person for once and not threaten everyone who disagrees with you." He let go of Bakugo, the boy just getting up with a 'tch' and walked back to his seat. 
"For the sake of everyone's safety, Momo, please move to Midoriya's seat and Shinso will sit behind you. Inform Midoriya that he will be sitting in Momo's previous seat. Now do what you want without disturbing me." Mr Aizawa slowly climbed into his yellow sleeping bag before passing out on the floor.
Momo seemed a bit upset with moving. Probably because she would have to sit behind Bakugo. 
(*we all love oblivious Shoto*)
I wonder why Mr Aizawa was moving Midoriya though. Strange.

Aizawa's POV

Even though Midoriya didn't say what happened the other day, I had my suspicions. Who could he have offended to leave him in such a state? I couldn't jump to conclusions without evidence, but better safer than sorry. Besides, it would be better for Shinso to be seated close to Midoriya while also being away from Bakugo. My two stray cats would be safer together than separated.

Did I just refer to two of my students as stray cats?

Oh well.


Welp, another chapter done!
In case you are wondering, no I don't ship Shoto and Momo. I know there are people that do and if you ship them then why are you reading a tododeku story? jk jk, stay and enjoy but fair warning, Momo aint gonna be seen in a good light.
Just saying.

Byee xxx

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