Chapter 3: My First Day

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-Kylie's POV-

And so, it was my first day of school and I approached the school gate where my parents dropped me off after sending hugs and kisses, telling me enjoy today's lessons in school and that did not obviously work as I was trembling from head to toe. But still, I promised them reluctantly.

No matter how much I kept assuring myself, it just did not work and basically, I was literally alone and of course did not dare to take the initiative to speak to others since I'm always the shy girl.

Out of the blue, someone tapped my shoulder. As I turned around, I saw a pretty girl whom seemed like the studious type based on the pile of books she was carrying. I couldn't help but stare at her in awe of her beauty. By the way I'm not a lesbian FYI!

This girl went on and asked me,"Hello! Your face does not look familiar around here...Are you new?" Immediately, I was out of my daze and replied," Yes, I am! My name is Kylie Jenners. And you are..?" "Dear me! How forgetful I am... My name is Vanessa! Vanessa Killian!"

She grinned widely with the most perfect smile ever and went on to ask me which class is my first lesson, which I absentmindedly said, "English." "OOH! That's great! You can follow me to the classroom! My first period for today is English too! Tell you, we are gonna be good friends!" Squealed Vanessa in delight as she used her free hand to lock arms with mine and dragged me all the way to the classroom.

At this point, I was thrilled to had made a new friend after so long and soon after entering the classroom, Vanessa went on to introduce me to whole class and their replies sounded friendly. "Maybe this was not so bad after all" I thought to myself as I reached the seat that was assigned for me.

I soon realized that Vanessa was one of the most popular girls in Gregglin High School because after she introduced me to the class, she was immediately swarmed by girls and they complimented her spectacles, perfect teeth, silky hair and so on. Just like any total type of bimbos.

Lucky for me, this sitting arrangement was great. Because I'm surrounded by ultra nice students, both guys and girls and their names were Jennifer, Anne, Scott and Anthony. And I should say that the two girls were equally pretty and the guys were handsome as well, but ain't my cup of tea. Plus, they were all best friends with Vanessa too.

From them, I heard many positive characters of Vanessa like how's she the nicest kid in school, the prettiest of all with the brains, always one of the top scorers in any examinations. The best thing was that she's very humble that made everyone like her so much including the guys of course. I'm really such an lucky ass to know her just on my first day of school.

As my new friends continued talking about the weather and holiday homework, I laid my head on the table and started wondering why the person in front of me was late. Maybe since it's the first day of school so everyone's lazy. But I couldn't help it and asked Anne about the table in front because you know, curiosity kills the cat.

However, I was too late for the English teacher walked into the class and told everyone to get back to their seats. "Good morning class, welcome back to school! My name is Winston Anita. Call me Mr Winston or Mr Anita, anything you deem fit!" He said, grinning in a funny way which literally made the whole class laughing non-stop.

Oh, to add on, he's a plump guy. He was taking attendance at the same time while introducing himself. "Heather?" "Here!" "Simon?" "Here!"

And it went on and on until he completed it and asked the students about an absentee named Stuart Finnicks. That name probably sounded very unfamiliar as everyone was clamoring about it.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and everyone swirled their heads to the direction of the knocking. Mr Winston walked out from his seat and opened the door, and in that moment, a guy with brown hair, green eyes and a pale body walked in.

"Sorry, I apologize for being late. Something happened on my way to school." He told in a sexy voice to Mr Winston as he made his way to the table that's in front of me. "Ahh...So this is the person." I muttered under my breath, so softly that no one could not hear me at all.

After this guy took his seat, I started hearing some girls in class swooning from all corners of the classroom. Including myself. My heart started beating fast and uncontrollably... Why? Because he's really very handsome and hot. And the best thing was that he's sitting in front of me.

" Excuse me, you don't seem to be recognized here." Mr Winston told the boy suspiciously, and went to check the class list. "Ooh..are you also a new kid? And is your name called Stuart?" The new kid nodded his head. "Oooh so Stuart is his name...How handsome he is...I think I'm gonna faint!" Clamored another damn pretty girl in class and her name was Stella.

I'm feeling very awkward now. New school, new people, new friends and now a new guy showed up and sitting in front of me.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder and I turned to face Anne who whispered in my ear, "Damn...Stuart is definitely one hot guy. Oh my god Kylie, can I please switch place with you?" As soon as I wanted to reply her, Mr Winston looks in my direction and beckoned me to pay attention.

I apologized softly and looked into my books, flipping boringly from page to page. I don't know why but I felt as though there were many pairs of eyes watching me. Curiously, I went to look around and immediately knew that I'm in trouble since most of the eyes were from the girls glaring at me.

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