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Half an hour passed and Naeun came down with her belongings

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Half an hour passed and Naeun came down with her belongings. Jacob got out from the car when she was in his sight to help carry her bags. After storing them inside his car, he returned to his driving seat while his girlfriend sat behind with Jayden.

"I was wondering how you gonna come with him yet he's sleeping." Naeun softly said so as not to wake the child up. Jayden is a mischievous kid that should not be left alone at the back in his child seat.

Jacob chuckled in return as he changed the gear to start driving. "I waited for an hour for him to sleep."

The journey to the shopping mall was indeed peaceful silence. Jacob carried Jayden while Naeun pushed the trolley as they were doing grocery shopping. At this stage, they are deemed as a family on a grocery shopping trip.

"Is 1 enough?" Naeun raised a box of cereal.

Jacob shook his head in dissatisfaction. "3."

Naeun chuckled. "Okay~"

Not long later after a peaceful shopping, Jayden woke up and grumpily whined. The couple went to a corner so as not to block other customers. Naeun unzipped Jayden's bag and pulled out his milk. She took off the cap lid and shook the bottle with her pointy finger holding on to the small hole.

Jacob bounced as he comforted his son while waiting for Naeun to hand over the milk. When she was about to pass the milk, Jayden reached out his arms instead.

"Jayden, no. It's gonna be tiring for Nana." Jacob said, frowning.

Jayden whined once again.

Naeun smiled. "It's okay."

Jacob took the bottle and passed Jayden into her embrace. Jacob then gave the bottle to Jayden and the chaos finally cooled down.

"Shall we continue?" Naeun asked, chinned to the other direction.

"You're okay with that?" Jacob questioned back with his knitted eyebrows.

Naeun nodded with a smile in reassurance.

Jacob pressed his lips firmly before letting a sigh escape from his lips. "Alright then."

Swapping roles, Jacob pushed the trolley cart while Naeun carried Jayden. After consuming his milk, Naeun placed Jayden on the floor and held his hand.

Jacob, who was all along pushing the trolley, wants the love as well. He removed his left hand's grip on the trolley and reached out for Naeun's free hand.

Naeun chuckled as they intertwined their fingers. "We're gonna take even longer time to shop." She then tilted her head to Jayden's direction, boy taking small steps and getting distracted at everything he saw.

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