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Hearing the sound of the engine, Naeun bolted up from the couch.

"Jayden! Daddy's back!" She happily jogged to the front door, matching her pace with Jayden waddling at the back following her footsteps.

The door was then opened and Naeun toned down her smile. Jacob was smiling but was not really smiling and she knew something was up.

"Daddy!" Jayden chimed with his arms raised up high.

Naeun reached out for Jacob's bag and put on her soft smile when their eyes met. Jacob mouthed 'thank you' before bending down and carried his son to his embrace. "How did your day go sweetie?"

"Nya nya ja nu ba ma ma ka chu." Jayden began his story telling session and Jacob nodded to every little thing his son said with his proud smile.

Not wanting to interrupt their conversation, Naeun patted Jacob's shoulder and pointed at the kitchen. Jacob continued conversing with his son as he walked to the kitchen while Naeun kept his bag in his room.

"Omg... Your Nana cooked this??" Jacob was literally drooling at the feast on the table.

"Nana mma mma!" Jayden clapped his hands.

Naeun made her appearance and reached out her arms. "Come eat with Nana, daddy is tired."

Jayden obeyed and went into her embrace. "Daddy bba ma gugu."

Naeun hummed as she went to the other side of the table. "Let daddy enjoy his dinner okay?"

"Ochi!"' Jayden cheekily smiled.

Naeun then met Jacob's eyes and raised her eyebrows. "Take off your blazer."

Curving his lips, Jacob nodded and obeyed his girlfriend. He took it off and loosened his tie as well as unbuttoning the collar. At the same time, his girlfriend's actions caught his attention.

Naeun skillfully carried Jayden in one hand then used her other hand to grab Jayden's portable child seat and placed it on top of the chair. She put Jayden down and buckled up on his waist before taking a seat opposite Jacob who was watching in full of admiration.

"W-why are you looking at me like that?" Naeun stiffened by Jacob's gaze.

"Is there anything that you can't do?" Jacob asked.

Naeun tilted her head, puzzled by his statement. "W-what?"

Jacob stifled his soft laugh. "I feel like I'm the luckiest man on earth. I just fell in love with you all over again."

Naeun blinked her eyes in surprise by his love confession.

"Nana mma mma!" Jayden butted in as he pointed at the food.

"O-oh okay." Naeun quickly attended to Jayden while Jacob continued to observe with his smile.

Caught his stare, Naeun looked at him then eyed the food. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Yes, my dear." Jacob's soft smile sent butterflies that Naeun had to quickly divert her gaze.


After a long feast, Jacob went to have a shower while Naeun took care of Jayden until he fell asleep.

As she was washing the dishes, she felt a pair of arms on her waist. Jacob then rested his head on her shoulder.

"Thank you, for everything." Jacob softly muttered.

Naeun pressed her lips firmly as she knew Jacob was disturbed by something. "Did it not go well?" She asked about his work.

Daddy's Crush ⚘ Jacob Bae ✓Where stories live. Discover now