Lucky Charm

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"Hey Princess" Astumu greeted while he leaned on the wall waiting for her "Sorry, our class ended late since the teacher made us clean the classroom as for our punishment" Atsumu chuckled "It's alright, I'm willing to wait- " you shook your head and checked the time "Oh my god-" he was 10 minutes late and you knew how scary Kita is especially he's a perfectionist. You grabbed his wrist and sprinted to the gym. You opened the gym's door and hopped in and bumped into Kita's chest.

"You're 12 minutes late" he crossed his arms while glaring at Atsumu "I was waiting for Y/N, I can't practice without my lucky charm on sight" he helped you stand up "You're doing 20 laps around the gym after practice" Kita then waked off to practice with the others. "Gomen Atsumu-san" He ruffled your hair "It's fine- I'm in the mood to run anyway" you nodded and sat at the bleachers. Rumor has it that both of you are dating in secret because of how close both of you are.

"Y/N! are you watching?" you looked up to find Atsumu who was about to serve but he was making sure you were watching "Yes!" he threw the ball up in the air and did his infamous "demon's serve" or that's what you call it because of how powerful it was "Out" he groaned and slumped "Aww" you shook your head and took out your computer to work on a report. During practice, you would steal quick glances at Atsumu and he would always flash a smile then go back to practice.

(After Practice)

"Y/N!" he ran over to you "Are you walking alone later? I can walk you home-" he was cut off when Kita placed an arm on his shoulder "Don't forget that you're cleaning the gym after you do your 10 laps" the rest of the team walked out even Osamu "Wow, Yer all traitors!" he pouted then looked at you "You're not leaving me too right?" you shook your head "Now hurry up with those laps, I'll help you clean the gym" he nodded but before he would do his laps he tugged on your sleeve "Can you run with me too?" he was doing a pout and he knows damn well you couldn't resist it "Fine, fine"

You took off your jacket and tied your hair then ran with him. Although he knows you couldn't catch up, he slowed down so you could catch up to him. "You're really energetic huh?" you panted while running "I'm never tired- unless it's Osamu" you shook your head then sped up. It ended up becoming a race between both of you until you decided to trip his leg. He stumbled and you laughed until he grabbed you by the wrist pulling you down with him. "Gah!"

You fell on top of him, crashing your head on his chest "Ow- Hey!" he looked at you "It was your fault!" he huffed and you rolled your eyes "You wanted to go on a run with me" you tried to sit up but you felt something pulling you down. Your cheeks turned red when you realized his arms are hugging your waist. "Sorry I forgo-" your eyes widened then you immediately turned to Suna who was standing at the gym's entrance. He was holding his found while looking at the both of you "Don't you dar-" his camera flashed meaning he took a pic "SUNA!" Atsumu flinched then let go of your waist. You immediately stood up and chased Suna out of the gym.

"Damn it!" he stood up and dusted the dust off his pants. "AH!" he immediately ran out of the gym and found you trying to reach for Suna's phone "Delete that!" "NO!"

"THE TEAM MOTTO SAYS: "WE DON'T NEED MEMORIES!" "BUT I NEED THEM" the two argued back until Kita ran over to separate the two "Y/N, calm down. Suna delete the picture" the two glared at each other for a while until Suna gave in and "deleted" the picture then showed it to her "See? No more pictures, now go back to Atsumu, geez" he rubbed his forearm and turned to Kita.

You walked back to Atsumu and hid behind him then pointed at Suna while squinting your eyes at him "Kill him" "Alright" he walked over while rolling up his sleeves. "Suna-san." He crossed him arms while looking at him "What?" he walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder "Send me the picture when you get home" your jaw dropped "EHHHH???" Suna nodded then ran off "YOU'RE JUST GONNA LET HIM OFF THE HOOK?" he looked down at you "Got a problem with that Baby Fox?~" you blushed at the nickname "E-eh b-baby fox" you backed away while he approached you with both of his hands in his pockets. Your back hit the wall and he slammed both of his hands, trapping you "Mhm, got a problem with that baby fox?" he whispered in your ear and a shiver went down your spine.

You tried to avoid his gaze but his hand was holding the bottom of your chin making you face him "Yer blushing baby fox~" you couldn't process anything at this point. He was making your heartbeat rapidly and your mind going crazy. "Oi stop that" Osamu hit Astumu at the back of the neck making him choke. You slid out of his arms and panted "G-geez- don't call me that again" you huffed and went in the gym to get your bag.

As always, Atsumu insisted to walk you home because he said that there will be "Bad guys" even though he was the bad guy. "Oi baby fox, come to practice tomorrow" you stopped in your tracks "First of all, why? And second, stop calling me baby fox" he crossed his arms then raised a brow at you "First all, I want you to watch me practice because you're my lucky charm and second, baby fox suits you and I like your reaction when you call me that" he smiled innocently at you. You blushed and hid your face then turned your heel "SEE YOU TOMORROW!" you ran off leaving Atsumu. He chuckled and shook his head as he watched your figure become distant as your sped up "Cute" he chuckled then continued walking.

Suna-san, can you send me the picture you took earlier? I'll buy you a meal tomorrow 


*Insert Picture* 

He looked at the photo and chuckled then saved it to his gallery then walked home. 

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