Believing Is Seeing

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On the riverbank of Beruna, the victorious Narnian army collected the Telmarine weapons and crossed to the other side. Trumpkin stood on top of a rock guiding the soldiers to drop their weapons and make their way ahead.

Lucy and Aslan wait for the Kings and Queen to meet them. They walk out through the water, drenched and tired. Peter and Susan meet Aslan's gaze.

Together, the four of them drop to one knee in front of the Great Lion.

"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia".

The Pevensies rise to their feet but Caspian remains on his knees.

"All of you".

The Pevensies look at the Telmarine.

"I do not think I am ready".

"It is for that very reason, I know you are".

Caspian humbly rises and looks to his fellow Kings and Queens.

"Where is Red Feather?"

Peter looks up at Aslan and looks behind him to the other side of the river. Aslan follows his gaze. Red Feather stands with the remaining Telmarine soldiers taking their swords and placing them in a pile next to her. She felt Aslan's gaze upon her and reluctantly met his eyes. He beckoned her to him and she obliged timidly. Red flew over the river and landed on her feet in front of the lion. She gave a low bow, swooping her arms outwards.

"My Lord".

"Red Feather", Aslan tilted his head.

She stood up but kept her head low.

"You doubt yourself. You doubt your worth. Why?"

"I do not deserve to be among those much braver than I".

"If you doubt yourself, you limit your worth. You are so much more than just a being. You are the people who love you and those that would scorn you for who you are. You shouldn't let others make you feel less than you are".

Red Feather knew he was right but she couldn't let go of that dreadful feeling.

"Come", Aslan said softly.

She approached him slowly. He placed a paw on her shoulder and lightly soothed her with his breath. Red let the magic absolve her and only felt love and respect.

Aslan removed his paw. Immediately Red hugged him tightly. "I missed you, friend". Aslan laughed returning the hug. After a few seconds, Red released her grip and stood beside Peter.

By their feet, a procession of mice walked into the group carrying Reepicheep on a stretcher. They carefully place him on the floor. Lucy rushes to the mouse's side and takes out her vial. She pours a drop of the juice into the mouth.

With several breaths, the mouse gasps back to life. "Oh, thank you, your Majesty". A fellow mouse helps him stand. Reepicheep looks up to face Aslan. "Oh! Hail, Aslan! It is a great honour to be in-", he bows and stumbles forwards. Reep notices his tail missing. "-I'm completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion". He looks up at Lucy. "Uh, perhaps a drop more?"

"Sorry, I don't think it does that".

"You could have a go".

Aslan laughs, "it becomes you well, small one".

"All the same, Great King, I regret that I must withdraw, for a tail is the honour and glory of a mouse".

"Perhaps you think too much of your honour, friend".

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