Remus Lupin x Reader

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Title: Chocolate

House: None, you are Hospital Wing staff

"(Y/N) please hurry up and help me attend to this student!" Madam Pomfrey spluttered while helping an injured boy into a hospital bed. Rushing over you carefully helped her lay the boy down "Gosh another one? that's three this month" you spoke softly, the boy was wearing a Quidditch uniform so you assumed that during practice he had fallen off his broom, "They're always hurting themselves out there" she said, confirming your beliefs to be true.

You heard someone clear their throat from behind the two of you, looking up you saw who you believed to be a teacher before quickly leaving Pomfreys side to go help the man. "How may I help you?" you smiled looking him in the eyes, the man blinked seemingly confused "oh!" he exclaimed after realising what you'd asked "Ah I just felt the need to introduce myself, I'm Remus Lupin. I'll be taking the place as the defence against the dark arts teacher!" his charming personality shone through brightly, every word he spoke sounding like music to your ears. A rosy blush found itself on your cheeks as you held your hand out to him. "I'm Ms (L/N) however I let the staff and a couple of students call me (Y/N)" he took your hand, shaking it lightly while giving you a gentle smile "Well (Y/N) I hope to see you around." without another word the brunette left the hospital wing. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in, relaxing your muscles as you giggled slightly "I hope we do Remus... I really do".

For the next couple weeks, Remus would come to the hospital wing daily and would ask Madam Pomfrey if he was able to steal you for a moment, a break of sorts that she happily obliged to as training you was somewhat stressful to her. So he would whisk you away to beautiful parts of the castle with him, occasionally offering you chocolate which you happily accepted. Even though your meetings were brief they were always whimsical, Remus always seemed to put a spin on the ordinary in the most wonderful way.

As he did every day the man appeared at the hospital wing asking for you once more, his hand strangely behind his back as if he was about to bow "Hello Remus" a smile found its way onto your cheeks as you walked over to him "(Y/N)" he greeted taking a couple of steps towards you, averting his eyes for a short moment as he asked again if he could steal you. After being given a yes his smile got a little brighter, his eyes shining with glee as he turned his gaze back to your (E/C) eyes. "I have a gift for you today love" his voice as always was as silky as the chocolate he gave you, raising an eyebrow quizzically at him. "Oh really?" you giggled receiving a short nod from him as he pulled out a bouquet of followers from behind his back. Your heart fluttered with joy as you took them from him, "Remus... thank you" feeling touched by the gesture you embrace him tightly in your arms. 'Maybe one day he'll feel the same way I do' you thought in pure hope, you knew these flowers probably meant nothing to him.

After three months Remus stopped coming to the hospital wing as often as he used to, if it was there it was only for business reasons and he tended to avoid you or only turn up if you were gone, even though Pomfrey would tell you if he came or not. Days dragged on more without him there, every action seeming pointless. At points Pomfrey would catch you staring at the door to the hospital wing, just hoping to catch a glimpse of him. All of them useless attempts to see what was never going to come. She had advised you to keep your mind on your work from that point on, seeing you hopeless was tearing her apart and she didn't want to watch you crumble.

"Poppy... I'm going for a walk" your voice was hoarse from crying nightly, the nurse looked at you with a glint of sadness in her eye "Alright (Y/N) but... be back in an hour at the absolute max" she insisted, she didn't want you out of her sight for too long. You looked at the floor as you speed-walked out of the wing, not wanting anyone to look you in the eye. As you strolled through the halls you found yourself in the courtyard, taking in the fresh air you decided to take a small break from walking and sat down under an old oak tree. Peering up at its branches you spiralled into a land of your own imagination.

'"Take my hand (Y/N)... we're going to your favourite place" Remus smiled down at you, his strong hands stretched out to you with the same kind smile he always wore when speaking to you. Your eyes glistened as you stared back at him, grasping his hand as you let him lead you to Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. "My dear choose whatever you desire, money means nothing to me if I have you beside me" he proclaimed pulling you close to him, his lips barely grazing yours as he stared into your eyes. "Oh Remus... you're wonderful," you said wistfully-'

Suddenly you felt yourself being shaken "(L/N)? (L/N)!" you heard a familiar voice yell, sitting up quickly you looked around to see yourself still in the courtyard. Glancing up at the person who had awoken you from your wonderful slumber you saw Snape, his eyes flashed with concern before going back to their normal black abyss "(L/N) please be more careful, falling asleep in the courtyard is not a pass time you should indulge in often- if at all." his voice almost sounded as smooth as Remus' at that moment, your heart aching for the brunette you hadn't seen in what felt like years. Using the tree for support you gently lifted yourself to your feet "Yes Snape, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. I should be going." you sighed rubbing your eyes, seeing the man that awoke you already gone you looked up at the sky.

Salty tears ran down your cheeks as you stared up at the stars, remembering a night you and Remus shared. His hand bumped into yours, you felt a spark of electricity run through your body but... not the way an electric shock would. You'd felt your cheeks heat up, as you looked at him. That damn smile. Falling back to the ground you curled up in a ball crying hard into your knees as you tried so hard to forget him, forget the feelings, forget everything. You just couldn't, he was all that you wanted, all that you needed in yourself at any given moment.

There you stayed for hours crying, you had found yourself leant up against the same tree from before, shivering as the cold took hold of you. Honestly, you were surprised no one had found you again, maybe they thought you weren't worth it. 'Ahem,' you turned your gaze to a pair of grey eyes you knew too well, your breath caught in your throat as it was the first time you saw him. "R-Remus" you stuttered out, tears still falling never seeming to stop as you got up stammering over to him, falling into his arms. "Remus I'm sorry if I did something- I'm so so so sorry" you continued to babble apologise as you clutched to his shirt, crying into his shoulder. You felt his arms wrap around you lightly as if you were a fragile glass ornament that could break at even a slightly harsh grasp. "(Y/N)" he whispered, you laughed hoarsely at it "I've wanted to hear that for so long" you responded, your (E/C) eyes glistening as you stared up at the professor.

Remus gave you a sorrow-filled smile, gently taking your wrists as he stared into your eyes "I want to take you somewhere, somewhere we haven't been before" he spoke, his tone full of care as his voice followed like a beautiful river. Giving him a small nod you felt his hand take yours, the same small buzz of electricity flowing through you as he guided you to a tower, not letting go no matter how far up the steps you'd gone. A short few minutes passed, you heard owl sounds and immediately knew where the two of you were even though you had only been once before. "The Owlery?" you looked at him with a smile which he returned as he turned to look at you "yes" his short answer filled in every question you had, but not in the way you'd wished.

Staring had seemed to become a common activity you partook in, once again you'd found yourself gazing up at the stars but this time your hand was intertwined with a certain brunettes' whilst you pointed out constellations to one another. Making jokes about the names and such until he turned to you, the same smile as always. "I need to tell you something" his grey eyes glancing at the ground as his grip on your hand tightened slightly, leaning forward in anticipation as you waited for him to speak. He took in a sharp breath, running a hand through his hair as he darted his eyes back to you, "(Y/N) not meeting you has been the hardest thing I've tried o do out of every task I've done in my life, I didn't intend at all for this outcome what so ever..." a nervous tone riddled its way into his words as he continued "in fact I never so it coming, however, it has come to this and-" "Remus, shut up and kiss me" you stated, a bright smile on your cheeks as he stared back at you.

Remus pulled you in kissing you passionately, his arms wrapped around your waist as yours found their way around his neck. Your heartbeat rapidly even after you'd pulled away to catch your breath, "Remus Lupin... I love you" you breathed out.


I've got a bunch of ideas for new chapters so i should be posting fairly regularly from now on.


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