Chapter 8 - finding Simon

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Sofia's POV

We found a hotel to stay for the week since we knew Simon wasn't going to make it easy for us to find him. Or considering the fact he's probably still alive! I don't know for sure but I have a gut feeling that he is.

Fortunately, we got a big bedroom which was great and the woman didn't recognise us. Phew.

Unfortunately, the bedroom only had one bed so great (!). I mean I don't mind Hugo to be entirely honest with you but enemy spies is one thing but it's like everyone sees us as a couple or something!?

I woke in Hugo's arms around me.

I whispered, "Hey wake up." Shaking him sightly.

Hugo mumbled, "Whyyyy?"

I answered, "You know why we're here in the first place and stop this crap and get up."

Hugo reacted quickly and got his arms off and put his hands out in surrender.

Hugo sighed sleepily, "Fine."

He went to his bathroom to change and I went to mine. I came out in the hood from yesterday and my spy gear along with my spy outfit. Hugo wore his hood with his spy outfit as well.

We had breakfast in silence. And we got out of the hotel. We sent a note to our parents that we'd be gone for a week and if we were gone longer than that they would send help.

Hugo's POV

I went out with Sofia and we asked everyone everywhere whether they've seen Simon or his son at least.

I questioned, "How long do you think it's going to take it find this guy who started the feud?"

Sofia replied with a determination in her voice, "Yes we have to not only for us but for our dads too they've done so much for us and they wanted to keep us even though we're technically grown up teenagers now." "We owe them a lot."

I nodded in agreement and continued walking with her until some men in black outfits dragged me into an allay way. Sofia didn't notice thankfully.

One of the men growled, "You get the amulet and we won't hurt anyone."

I scoffed as I stepped forward, "As if I would do such a thing anyways why should I do it anyway?"

One of the men negotiated as he went closer to me, "Otherwise your little Princess and girlfriend or space between words girl who is a friend and your little spy." "She with the rest of the people you care about will suffer the worst consequences because of your actions."

I blurted out, "No anyone but Sofia and her family and mine." "Please!"

One of the men laughed, "Well, well look at Prince Hugo and the spy Hugo being all soft." "That's new I remember when you were an arrogant jerk who only cared about himself and impressing his family and his girls."

I sighed looking down at the floor then back at Sofia, "Fine." "Who's your boss?"

One of the men with a scar on his face declared, "You'll find very soon but for now you need to get that bloody necklace of your lover's neck." "And for now we will let you but if you don't get that amulet off her neck in at least 2 or 6 months then we will do it."

I sighed, "Fine."

I walked back to Sofia and she noticed that I was less cheerful than this morning.

She asked with her undivided attention and concern about me, "Hugo you okay?"

I smiled but it was a fake one, "Oh it's nothing wrong don't worry."

She crossed her arms and looked at me with a look that read, 'I know you're lying.'

I sighed, "It's nothing it's just." I paused and I cupped her cheek with my hand and whispered, "It's what I'm doing is to protect my family and friends and especially you."

She smiled softly and assured, "It's okay Hugo you can tell me in your own time or when the time is right."

I walked with her until I saw the men following us. I make sure they weren't out of my sight before Sofia saw them. We still are looking for Simon and his son Blake.

Simon's POV

I wanted to kept a secret since I'm immortal but no! Now I have to watch my darkest enemies from a far in my lair underground. I see the Princess Sofia is getting closer to Hugo so I came up with the perfect plan. That includes her.

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