Chapter 29 - The Ball/ Did you hear that?

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A month later

Sofia's POV

I was putting on my dress and makeup, with Amber. She helped me with gown while I did my makeup.

Her gown

Her makeup

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Her makeup

I put my hair out

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I put my hair out. Then my mind traveled to Hugo.

I'm still so unsure what I should do. I even told him I will never forgive him but he still gave me a chance and time. I gave Amber a second chance when I became a princess and a spy.

I'll just find out what I'll do with our friendship when I see him. Speaking of which, the ball is today. And everyone who know is coming, including Hugo.

I smiled at Amber. And we started walking down the hallway. On the way to the ballroom, we bumped into James.

James smiled at us and said happily, "Hey you two look amazing."

Me and Amber blushed sightly.

James informed us, "Come on we should get going before Baileywick and Dad send the royal guards to fetch us."

We laughed as we made our ways to the golden doors. First, Amber was called, then James was called and lastly me.

Once I came out, I had probably over hundreds of eyes and people staring at me, especially the princes/spies. Then my eyes looked for Hugo, he looked me straight in the eye.

I carefully walked down because I'm in high heels. I was waving as I walked down.

Once I was at the bottom of the stairs, the waltzing music started. Everyone started dancing but me and Hugo. He was walking to me, all of sudden I started sweating, my heart was beating out of my chest.

And all I did was run out of the ballroom. I ran out like an idiot, a coward. I ran away from Hugo.

I went to the swan fountain and curled up into a ball and put my head into my lap. I was afraid that Hugo wouldn't want to be friends with me again. I was a spy and I was afraid of rejection.

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