Chapter 12 - Rescue Mission

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Hugo's POV

I'm going to the warehouse tomorrow morning with my dad and Sofia's dad Roland to get her back home.

I was in the room when I saw someone coming to the hotel room. I looked closer and I saw my dad and Roland.

Roland asked as he stepped forward to me, "What do you want us to do?"

I answered, "You will get my signal when you need to come in."

They nodded and went into the van where they waited and we went to the warehouse.

Sofia's POV

I don't know if Hugo saw me get captured or not. But I think he did. At least I hoped he did.

I was going to pass out when I heard a bang from the door. I think I saw Hugo, Dad and Garrick.

I saw Hugo put the ropes off me and I just passed out was the last thing I remember. And I heard gunshots.

I think I heard Simon get killed and someone escaped from the warehouse.

Roland's POV

I saw Hugo carrying Sofia to the carriage. So we got to the hospital since she passed out from the heat from the room she was in.

I looked at Hugo.

I said as I looked Hugo in his eyes, "Hugo why did you and Sofia go to Freezurbeurg?"

He replied with a smile, "We wanted to know more about the feud." "And it wasn't an accident." "Simon killed them."

I asked, "Is that why you killed him back in the warehouse?" "Was it justice or revenge?"

He said as he moved Sofia to his lap, "It was justice for our great grandfathers."

We went to the hospital and we got Sofia to the hospital bed.

The doctor said after he checked Sofia, "She'll be alright." "She just needs rest for now."

We nodded and let Hugo go to check on Sofia.

As we saw Hugo hold his Sofia's hands as he looked concerned about her.

I turned to Garrick and asked, "Should we let this feud end Garrick?" "This feud between us has gone longer than we have been alive."

Then I paused as I put my hand on so he could shake it, "I suggest we join our spy companies and end this feud between us and let our kids go to the missions together."

I saw he happily shakes my hand.

Garrick suggested, "How about we let our kids come up with the name?"

I nodded.

Hugo's POV

I stroked Sofia's hair and her cheek as she was the hospital bed.

I stayed in the hospital for a few hours until I saw Sofia's eyes opened sightly.

Sofia murmured quietly, "Hugo?"

I cried happily, "Sofia!"

Sofia asked as she sat up, "What happened?"

I answered as I hugged her tightly, "Simon got killed and Blake escaped but don't worry we'll get him." "Together."

I heard her say, "Hugo?"

I answered, "Yes?"

I heard Sofia say, "You're squeezing me Hugo."

I let go off her. And I hold her hands.

I said looking deeply into her eyes, "I was so worried about you."

Then I heard Roland and Dad.

Roland asked, "What if we say that we are going to combine or join our spy companies together?"

Dad said, "We want you two to come up with the name?"

Me and Sofia thought for a while and then I suggested, "The Royal Spies."

Sofia smiled as she held my hand, "I like it." "It's nice."

Dad informed, "And you two will have missions together after today." "But Sofia will need to rest."

Sofia nodded understandably. Sofia and I went home and we got to sleep after this hectic day.

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