Chapter 10 - Kidnapped

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James's POV

I've been wondering and worrying about Sofia. Since she has been gone for two days. She's always on a mission whether daily or weekly.

I was getting concerned about her so I ask Amber about Sof.

I asked concerned and unsure, "Amber where's Sof?"

Amber whispered with a reassuring smile, "She's in Freezurbeurg with Hugo, trying to figure out what actually happened with the feud."

I nodded then I realised what she just said.

I whispered yelled, "Hugo!"

She put her hand on my mouth and glared at me.

I apologised as I stepped back, "Sorry."

Amber replied with a pat on my shoulder, "It's fine she said she'd be back."

I nodded and then I asked curiously, "Why she's with Hugo?" "Not that I don't trust Hugo I'm friends with the guy without dad knowing yes."

Amber said, "She's with him to find out more and what actually happened in the feud."

I nodded and went to my room.

Sofia's POV

I woke up to Hugo's snoring loudly but softly at the same time.

I giggled cheekily because I've never heard someone snore that loudly other than Dad and James.

Hugo woke up to my giggling.

He asked with a cheeky smile, "Can your laughter or giggles be my new alarm?"

I was a bit shocked that he said that because he made it sound like we're a couple and it sounded liked he liked me, like liked me.

I was about to say something until we got a knock on the door.

The waiter muffled behind the door, "Room service."

Me and Hugo moved away from each other.

He shouted, "Come in!"

The waiter came with a moving table with food covering our breakfast.

The waiter asked, "What do you want for breakfast?"

Me and Hugo looked at each other and I knew exactly what we wanted.

I answered  politely with a happy smile, "Some pancakes please."

The waiter nodded and gave us pancakes. After we had breakfast, I got a dress and was going to look around the village.

I told Hugo, "Hey I'm going out to the village."

He told me, "Be careful."

I said with sarcasm in my voice, "Don't worry Hugo I'll be careful." "I'm a spy, I can protect myself."

Hugo replied sarcastically, "Okay okay I know just you know be aware of your surroundings you never know you could get you."

I went out for a walk. Alone. When I felt someone watching me.

I was about walk to a store to get something for me and Hugo. When someone took me and covered my muffled scream and blindfolded me, he or someone took me somewhere.

Hugo's POV

I was waiting for Sofia to go back to the hotel room. Waiting for Sofia, and I was watching the security cameras if there was any suspicious behaviour.

Shit, I saw someone take Sofia somewhere, but then I remembered she had spy gear on her so. Okay no I'm going to save her now. It must be Simon and Blake who took her. I hope she's okay.

Sofia's POV

I was being taken somewhere by a man? I was blindfolded and got tied up in a chair.

I yelled pissed, "Who are you?!"

The man said, "Well I am someone who are searching for."

I gasped softly as I yelled, "Blake!?" "Simon?!"

He got the blindfold off me and I saw a young man if front of me. And a other man come in.

Simon's POV

I smirked as I went into the room. I turned up the heat of the room so she will pass out.

I asked as I came closer to her, "So you're Princess Sofia of Enchancia and a spy."

She shouted as she try to set herself free, "What do you want!?"

I laughed putting my hand on her chin, "Oh sweetheart we want to know why you are after us."

She laughed as she looked at me, "Like I would tell you."

I laughed as I keep my hand on her chin, "Feisty aren't you?"

She asked as she breathed heavily, "Why's it so hot?"

I smirked as I walked closer, "It's for you dear." "I thought you would like a painful and slow death."

She said in a determination tone  she tried to not to pass out, "You won't get away with this."

I cackled, "And you think you and your little friend will save you?"

She said breathing heavily, "I have hope." "You and your son will pay for what you did."

I laughed, "Hope?" "Hope made me lose my wife and his mother in a house fire." "Or a car accident." "We hoped she make it but she didn't." "Which leads to me murdering your step great grandfather and his."

She said, "You don't have to do this."

I shouted, "No!" "People ALWAYS underestimated me and I always let them get away with it." "And I won't let this happen anymore."

I went out of the room with Blake and waited for her little friend.

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