Chapter 26 - Awake

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2 weeks later

Axel's POV

I was in the hospital during visiting hours. I was talking with Hugo. It's been two weeks since he was still in coma.

While I was talking to him, I saw him open his eyes sightly. I never thought that I would happen again. I was so scared and shocked, surprised. I was so happy that he woke up from his coma. I was so happy, I could jump with joy like a child.

I was happy my baby Bro woke up, I can't imagine a life without him.

Hugo's POV

I felt myself waking up in a bed in the hospital room? I don't remember anything but I was stabbed with a dagger and Sofia had bullet in a side. But I got the bullet out.

Then she blackout after that. Of course everything else is history and leads up to now.

I saw Axel with a huge smile across his face like a child who got a baby brother or sister.

I said as I sat up, "Axel what are you doing?" "Why am I in the hospital?"

Axel patted my hand and tried to calm me down, "Hey calm down first." "Secondly, you were stabbed with a dagger and you become unconscious." "And I think you lost a decent amount of blood, on your way to the hospital." "But Sofia lost more and she's still in a coma."

First I calmed down then I asked still sitting up, "How is she?" "Sofia how is she?" "Does the hospital have an antidote for the poison from the tranquiler?"

Axel said in soft tone, "Hey she's okay." "Just in a coma." "She hasn't woke up yet." "It's been two weeks since you've been in a coma." "And they gave her the antidote to the poison from the tranquiler, the second you two came into the hospital."

I sighed back with relief, "Good." "I just hope she takes her time after she wakes up from it." "I don't mind if she gives me the silent treatment and she deserve every right to stay mad at me."

Axel gave me an unexpected answer, "Yeah you did lie to her." "But you did try and protect her."

I asked paying close attention to him, "Ax how you know I was lying?" "And I know we could've found another way to fix this but in the situation I was sometimes there isn't another way."

Axel smiled as he hugged me, "One how I not know when my baby Bro is lying?" "Two I eavesdropped on one of your conversations." "So I knew this whole time."

Suddenly the doctor came in.

The doctor smiled as he saw me awake, "Ha, Hugo you're awake." "We'll get you and quick check up." "And check your stitched wound." "Whether it is better then you can be discharged."

I nodded then I asked, "Can I visit Sofia after I've been discharged?"

They checked me up. And I was discharged and I could go back to my normal life. Well I mean 'normal' I mean semi-normal.

For the next two weeks since I was discharged I visited Sofia with her family and mine.

2 weeks later

I was with Amber and James. Making sure Sofia is alright after Stefan and I did to her.

Lying to her, betraying her, stabbing her in the back, being a jackass to her and etc.

I was holding her hand, just praying, hoping she would wake up soon.

In a few moments she started to open her eyes.

Sofia's POV

I felt myself waking up. All I remember I fell onto Hugo's lap.

I felt someone holding my hand, my eyes traveled to the arm and it was Hugo.

He looked at and all he did, he gave me small, gentle smile and he kissed my hand and whispered into my ear before he left, "Take your time to think about our friendship or relationship or whatever you want to call it." "You're worth the wait."

I nodded and gave him a small smile. I was checked up on by the doctor. I was discharged straight after.

Unfortunately, I was still a bit mad at Hugo for lying.

Fortunately, I am in battle with myself whether I should forgive him, he did lie but he came back and saved me, and he didn't care whether he would get hurt or not. His mind was on saving me because he cared about me. I just need some advice and time to think about it.

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