Chapter 13 - Where did Blake escape?

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4 months later

Third person POV

Hugo and Sofia started getting closer and Hugo started to get confused and realise his feelings about Sofia and Sofia was started to get confused about her friendship with Hugo or whether she even had feelings for him.

Sofia and Hugo were watching a movie called 'Spy Kids: All the Time in the World.' And they were on the couch together. Sofia declared as she leaned into Hugo's arms, "I think we should be looking for Blake." He looked at her perplexed, "Sof I know you're worried about it but we will find him together." Sofia said tiredly as her eyes began to fall asleep, "Yeah together." Hugo gently wrapped his arms around Sofia. Pretty soon he fell asleep.

It was morning, Hugo woke up to see Sofia asleep peacefully in his arms, he thought to himself, "she looks so cute." Hugo nudged her so they could have breakfast, she rubbed her eyes in the cutest way, he couldn't resist to hug her, he cried, "Sofia you're too adorable for your own good!" Sofia giggled as she saw Baileywick. Baileywick informed to them, "Your breakfast will be served soon Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo." Sofia laughed, "Baileywick how many times do I need to say to call me Sofia." "I'm your friend but thank you." Baileywick bowed and smiled softly at Sofia, "Of course Sofia." "You're my friend too Sofia." "Oh Sofia and Hugo, your dads wanted you to meet them after breakfast." Sofia and Hugo said in unison, "Okay."

Sofia grinned as she ran out of the room, shouted, "Come on!" "Last one there's a rotten egg!" Hugo pouted and yelled out as he chased after Sofia, "Hey!" "No fair!" "I'm going to catch you Sof!" They both ran past Amber and James, who smirked at them and to themselves as they ran past.

Sofia's POV

I was being chased by Hugo when I entered the dining room.

Once he caught me, he started ticking me so hard that I was crying tears of laughter when he did it.

I laughed loudly as he tickled me against a wall in the dining room, "Hugo..... "Stop!...." "I can't!"

He grinned as he continued to tickle me, "No!" "Not until you say I'm your best friend for live!"

I chuckled as he soon stopped tickling me, "You're my best friend for live."

Then we heard someone clear their throat, we turned around and saw our families smirking at us. Then we realised how close we were and pulled away from each other. We both turned beet red in embarrassment.

Me and Hugo sat down next to each other.

Dad and Garrick reminded us as we started eating, "Sofia, Hugo we need to speak to the both of you before you leave."

Me and Hugo looked at each other and nodded.

After breakfast, me and Hugo went back to our dads in the dining room.

King Garrick declared, "We have some news to tell you."

King Roland announced as he drank his water, "We don't know where or what Blake is going to do but we are going to send you on a few missions together so you can find him."

I asked him as I get my bag, "So we're going to do missions together but you don't know where he is?"

King Garrick and Dad nodded.

I sighed with a puff of anxious about this. As I went to the carriage.

I thought to myself, "So we know he's somewhere but we don't where he escaped." "Great."

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