Peter Pan Never Fails

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The shadow dropped me into the ocean. I reached to the surface and spit out water. I kept turning, trying to figure out where I was. I looked up to see moonlight and many stars. I saw a large island a few miles away from me. Neverland, I thought to myself.

What just happened?

I can't exactly remember what went down only a few minutes ago. I remember the shadow bursting through the window. I remember my parents yelling, me screaming, glass flying everywhere. I remember bright yellow eyes, the smell of blood, dirt, and alcohol form my parents.

Then stars.

Now a huge net was thrown over me. I clawed and kicked, trying to fight my way out, but the rope was too thick.  I was pulled and hauled onto a ship. I heard a bunch of husky voices.

"What should we do with her Cap'n?" A higher friendlier voice said. I was tied to a pole an the main deck. I saw the entire crew now, pirates. In front of me I recognized the man as Mr. Smee with his red cap.

He was pushed away by a man with a hook. Captain Hook. He smiled at me. "And who might you be?" He asked. I said nothing. He must have took this as an offense because he pulled back his hook and slashed it across my cheek.

Blood began to drip from my face. I didn't cry out in pain, I only narrowed my eyes at him. Everyone was silent. "This is Neverland?" I questioned, even though I knew the answer.

Hook laughed and so did everyone else. "Where else would we be! This one isn't so bright!" They laughed harder. "This one? So there's more people?" I asked. "We already caught you dear, who do you think we are trying to catch?"

He said once everyone calmed down. "Peter Pan?" Everyone grew quiet. Again. Hook looked at me angrily. "Aye, he may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon" he spoke as if Peter Pan was the devil and Neverland was his hell.

If this was Neverland, then it's the place where the impossible is possible. If you believe it. I imagined a knife in my hand, then it formed. I started to cut the ropes, so far nobody noticed. I felt it cut open my palm. I bit my lip to keep myself from wincing.

"So tell me, how did you find your way to this bloody island?"

"Why should I trust you? I had to keep them distracted, giving people direct answers wasn't my style anyway, they had to earn it.

"Why wouldn't you trust me?" He asked slyly.

"Maybe because, you threw a net over my head, tied me to a pole, then slashed my face. Those factors are  kinda a reputation ruiner" the ropes were almost fully cut. Time to rap up this coversation up.

Hook only looked at me calmly. "Maybe we could make an alliance?" He offered. "You kill Pan, and we allow you to live" he cocked his head. "What do ya say?"

I had no intention of answering him. I gathered enough saliva in my mouth and spit it at his face.

I  cut loose of the ropes and made a dash for the edge of the boat. "Get her!" I heard shouts and footsteps not far behind me. I jumped off the boat. There was panicking on the ship, but I focused on swimming away.

Something suddenly wrapped around me and I was being pulled to shore very fast. When I was on the sand, I turned back to the ocean only to see a mermaid tail swimming away. I stood up and shivered. I started walking through the forest that was everywhere.

"You lost?" A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see a boy with brown hair and emerald green eyes wearing a wierd suit made of a bunch of patches of cloth. He had a thick accent.

"What's it to you?" I asked with a little edge in my voice. I knew I couldn't trust anyone on this island.

He laughed out loud, as If I'd said the most hilarious thing in the world.

He appeared in front of me and made me jump back in surprise. I fell back ward onto the ground.

He crouched in front of me and cocked his head to the side. "And what makes you think you can talk to me that way? Hmm?" His voice was laced with something dark and dangerous.

He reached his hand out to touch me, but I scooted away from him.

"Haha, don't dearie, the fun has just begun" I shivered at his words, then everything went dark.

Emily's POV

I woke up on my side on the ground. I saw figures dancing in from of an open fire. I sat up, rubbed the back of my head and leaned against the tree behind me.

So it wasn't a dream.

I looked at the Lost Boys for a few moments until one of them came over and talked to me.

He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a cloak and a staff with him, along with a machete strapped to his belt.

"Hi" the boy said. He couldn't have been more than 15 years old. I'm 16. "Hey" I said back at him. "I'm Charlie, but I prefer Chase" he smiled sweetly at me. He might have been the only person I could trust out of everyone here, but I still kept my guard up.

"I'm Emily, just Emily" I returned his smile. "Welcome to Neverland"

I looked out passed the fire, lost in thought, until I noticed Peter. He was talking with another lost boy. He was tall, with Dirty blonde hair and he wore rags, just like every boy here.

I let out a sigh. I didn't know what to do. My old life was miserable and leaving here, which didn't seem like an option, was out of the question. I could only wait and hope for the best.

I looked across the fire to see Peter staring at me.

Peter Pan Never FailsWhere stories live. Discover now