chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

"Welcome back seniors!", Mr Saltman announced. Everyone cheered and laughed. "Gotta say, its good to be back... Anyway, time to learn!", he laughed, recieving angry protests from the students, making him laugh more. It really was good to be back. Everything had calmed down since we killed Klaus and his hybrids. Things were finally getting back to normal. "Hey Marissa", Elena called from down the hall. "Hey!", I grinned, running towards her. We stood in the middle of the corridor hugging for a moment. "Its SO good to be back", I sighed. "Tell me about it!", Bonnie giggled. "Bonnie!", I squealed, hugging her. The bell went for class and we went our seperate ways.

At lunch, we all sat together, just like old times. "Mmm, veggie soup!", Caroline smiled. "S'good", I slurred, my mouth full of soup. "Slob", Caroline giggled. "Hey guys", Stefan smiled upon approaching the table. Elena leapt up to kiss him, "hey sweetie", she grinned. Cute.

The next few classes were average. Nothing unusual... But then...

...I was sitting in history class last thing when it happened...

I opened up my textbook to find a note inside. It read 'Im not that easy to kill. Im still here! --K'. I gasped. Klaus? But how?!...

...And as it turned out, I wasnt the only one who got the note...

how we see it (sequel to 'how I see it') [PLL and TVD inspired]Where stories live. Discover now