Sorry (Part One)

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Word count:1145
PLEASE READ: I just wanted to remind you guys no matter how many breaks I take or how long they are, I am always thinking and worried about you guys. I feel like I'm not doing enough but I really try. Aswell no matter how long I'm gone, I will always come back, if I ever do plan to leave I will let you guys know for sure. It would also help me a lot if you guys gave suggestions because it takes me longer to come with stuff then to write it. But anyways thanks for your time and I love you all so much, thanks for 8k!

You sat on the couch legs crossed, your black
pumps shined reflecting off the crystal chandelier in the cooling office you sat in. You were waiting for Chrollo to get back in his office so you could show him some of the paper work he needed to sign from multiple different companies.

You've been working for your former fiancé for a few months now, getting used to the strict schedule. You got home way before him tho, he only allows you to stay if he needs extra help after hours for a treat- but lately he usually has someone else to help him.

Time to time, he'd come home in a jacked up mood taking it out on you who'd no control of went on, he'd either take his anger out on other items or take it out on you through rough breaking sex.- tearful sex.

You huffed pinning your elbow up on the arm of the couch "Does it take that long?" You rolled your neck back in annoyance.

A ten went by.

You grew fairly impatient, now smoothing down your skirt getting up to open the door.

It was locked.

You fidgeted with the handle, you didn't notice he was on the other side.He walked in pushing you back  over the couch making you trip over your briefcase.

Chrollo came in with a blank smirk on his face, stopping at the door to see you leaned back over the arm of the couch skirt unprofessionally fixed, showing your panties.

He stared at you in dismay then walked to sit at his desk. A tall woman walked in wearing a silken dress that came not too far above her knees, her hair was a little frazzed up as well.

You noticed your state and quickly covered yourself then straightened yourself up slowly onto the couch,

You stared at her, a little bit of sickness rising in you, Chrollo knew your irascible temper, why would he bring another woman in here like this, let alone locking me in to wonder what was going on.

What were they doing?

The woman stared at you with a smirk creeping on her reddened lips. "Who's this?" She said smiling at Chrollo performing a small giggle , "Oh, my employee Y/n. Y/n this is"-

"How do you do." You said cutting him off putting your hand out to the woman, your voice was manipulative and shallow. Chrollo looked at you intensely at your rude approach.

The woman took your hand after a few seconds shaking it slowly with a loose grip, your shake was firm grasping around her fingers. You stared into her eyes studying what was upon the 'what were they doing?' You let go of her hand watching her brush it over her dress, chuckling low you stood over Chrollo- him looking up at you from his chair.

"You two have a great meeting." You nodded towards the woman leaving Chrollo empty, with a dreadful stare.

You closed the door harshly behind you making the rest of them watch as you stormed out.

You took the elevator down, already tempting the uneasy pit in your stomach. You had done your make up nicely today, taking your time in your shared bathroom,lining your eyeliner with your cheekbone- But you already knew in a matter of time it would get ruined as you felt your eyes steam with tears making your vision go blurred.

You sniffle a little getting out of the elevator, "Hey! Mrs Y/n"- a student you trained shouted out. You turned to their view with tears pending at your eyelashes "Hi." They said putting their hand down slowly-

"Hey, I won't be here tomorrow, can your 3rd training be kept til Thursday?"

"Yes,Yes of course! Have a good day." They said waving you off as you nodded pushing open the door to leave. The breeze rushed to you taking away some tears with it, the regretful feeling in your forced you to ruminate over him and this torn relationship.

'What did I do to deserve this?' He's probably banging that pretty whore, I bet he thinks she's way sexier then me. And she knows it to, she knows they weren't up to any good."  You said foundling in your bag to get the keys to your car.

She looked me right in the eye.

"Take what I ruined bitch."
"This will be you in the same position in no damn time."

                                      Time skip
You opened the door slamming it back behind you, leaning against the door locking the bolts.

You Bent down kicking off your heels, letting a small beaded tear run down your nose.

The house was cold and airy making your arms prickle when you next took off your coat. You walked in the living room trailing your hand over the knitted fabrics. Aside from your simmered vision you seen the glass of the frame, there a picture of you and Chrollo from your very first ball with him. You were dressed in a flowing sparkly gown paired with sharpened heels.

"Fuck!" You winded your hand across the frame knocking it on the carpet, limits were pushed as you bent down over it, tears drenching over the glass.

Getting back up slowly with little remorse you head to the kitchen grabbing a whine glass and one of the more whiskeys he had in the cabinet.You downed a bit of the glass as you closed the cabinet, walking up the stair case.

"Now what could I do to make myself feel better?~"you trailed in front of the stairs. You walked into your shared room looking over his side of the bed. You grabbed the candle lighter from the dresser grasping the trigger recklessly. The flames were a hot red burning brown ash into his pillow, as you traced a heart.

The fuel of the flames fogged up the windows invading the air, you pouted a little tilting your head to the side "Sorry."


You untied your black satin robe turning on the lights to the grand bathroom, walking in the tiles were cold making you jolt a little -

(Part 2 or no?)

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