CHAPTER 2: Everything Has Changed

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        I picked up the most recent index card from my collection, the one found nestled in the  hoodie I was wearing. In all honesty, I didn't know his name. I don't even think I asked. Pacing around my room, I contemplated calling. Eventually, I settled with "what do I have to lose?" and typed in the number. I pressed the dial button and waited for the tones; ring ...two ring ...three ring ...four ring ...five ring ...six ring. 

        As soon as I heard the whiny automatic voice start yakking, I hung up. No response or a quick call back. That was the universe's way of telling me we weren't meant to be. No matter how much I may of wanted to—or how much I didn't want to. It wasn't going to happen and I was more than ready to accept it. I deleted his number off my phone, set it down on my nightstand and started picking up the shards of broken glass off the floor.

3 WEEKS LATER: September 18

        I woke up with a wide yawn, and picked up my phone to scroll through Instagram. It was a Tuesday, which meant I had work. I was a physical therapist assistant, or PTA, which basically meant I just help the elderly or injured stand up, walk, or practice using an injured or weak body part. Pulling myself off my pillow, I stretched with a whiny shriek and sloppily tossed my blankets back onto my bed. I grabbed my 'scrubs' and hopped into the shower not to wash myself, but instead to lather myself with the delicious feeling of hot water. 

        As the water poured over my skin, shower thoughts began trickling into my mind and I realized my period was a week late. It has almost NEVER been this late, the margin of error being about three days. I decided not to freak about it too much because I was having cramps anyway, which likely meant I would get that lovely surprise later at work.


        I greet Ariana as I waltz into the PT office.

        "Hey pal, how ya doing?" I ask. 

        "I'm good, doing swell. What 'bout you?" she responds.

        "I'm alright. Well... aside from my period being, like, a week late. I am having cramps though, so I don't think I should be worried... right?"

        "Ohh yeah, probably not," she paused and scanned through the clipboard on her desk. "Uhm... anyway Doctor Turner is waiting for you."

        "Thanks. See ya." I said, and strode through the 'staff only' doors.

1 WEEK LATER: September 25

        Okay... yes. Now I'm panicking. My period is 2 weeks late, which is FAR from normal, and the latest it's been in all my years. Since I was on birth control, my period was pretty regular, but no period for 6 weeks is just not normal. I check my underwear one more time for SOME type of hint I would be getting it soon, but nothing. I figure the only smart thing to do before I really start freaking out is check my birth control, just to see if I missed something.

        I pull open the desk drawer by my bed, and whaddya know? No pills. NOTHING. I sprint to the bathroom and rummage through every bin, drawer and basket for any wrappings I might've left scattered around. And after triple-checking my entire bathroom, I facepalm as I forget... I HAVEN'T ORDERED NEW BIRTH CONTROL PILLS IN AT LEAST THREE MONTHS. Okay, you know what I said last week? SCREW IT. Time to freak out now! I grab my phone and with quivering fingers, I call Ariana.

        "I-I... I think-... s-something's VERY wrong..." I start, my everything shivering like crazy.

        "Oh come on... I was in the middle of–WAIT what's wrong? You okay buddy?" she sputtered, panic lacing her voice. 

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