CHAPTER 14- Surprise!

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2 weeks later: 37 weeks.

"DANIEL" I yelled from the couch I was casually relaxing at. 

This has become my new regular, from my bed, downstairs to the couch. 

He came running in, "Yes?"

 "Can I have another foot rub please?" I asked with the best puppy eyes I could muster up.

He smiled "Of course, Em." He sat down in front of me, grabbed my feet, and started rubbing them in a circular motion from my heel, to my toes.

I hadn't moved from this white leather couch since early this morning, because I really couldn't bear to be up standing too long.

So, for everything I needed or requested, Daniel came to the rescue.

At this point, I am so huge. Like I am a walking whale. The thought of having to do this for almost a month OR more really bugs me. 

Ellas' movements themselves had slowed down. Not having much space to move, the flips and tricks she was doing previously had calmed down. 

Just now, because she was in a confined space, with her every swipe of a foot, or hand, you could see the imprint of it move across my stomach.

I also knew she must have had a lot of hair, because, with every slight movement of her head, I would feel it scrape across the lining of my tummy, leaving me with a nasty rug burn, from the inside.

 I tried to explain this to Daniel, but he would just stare at me with a look of disbelief.

 "I really can't do this for 3 more weeks, Dani, I'm in so much discomfort as is, the thought of having to wait until 40 weeks kill me." 

I gasped realizing something else,

"What if I'm overdue too like we get to 40 weeks and have to wait like two more weeks because just doesn't want to make her appearance."

"Well... You know what the options are."

 Dani mentioned, putting more pressure over a specific part of my foot.

Daniel and I opted for a natural birth so I didn't want to have to induce, also the fact that if we were to induce, it would have to be at a hospital, closely monitored. Not the Birthing Center.

"I know. I guess we can just wait." I sighed a loud. 

He looked at me and then yelled "HEY ALEXA PLAY SOME R&B" The Alexa started up, echoing through the house. 

He grabbed my hand "Can I have this dance?"

I giggled, he always knows how to make me laugh, and I hate it.

 "Of course," I say all fancy-like as I stood up.

 He put his hand on the low of my back, massaging it in small triangular motions, and

My hands were around his neck, as I played with his baby hairs in the back. 

We swayed to the music and talked a bit laughing over every stupid thing.

 While we were dancing, I felt a pain shoot through my stomach, it felt like a period cramp except for a bit worse. 

I stopped and hissed, holding my stomach. Daniel looked down at me, wondering why the sudden stop.

"Are you ok?"

 "C-couch" Is all I could stutter out. 

He walked me to the couch and sat me down carefully.

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