CHAPTER 12- Announced

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Next day (noon)

We heard a knock on the door, Daniel had just finished building the white woodsy crib that we had chosen about a week ago after I forced him to drive us to the nearest IKEA.

I rise off the loveseat carefully while Daniel stands there, beads of sweat running down his forehead as he admires his work.

I got to the front door and there stands Jonah and Corbyn.

"Hi, Emery! Jack is sick, and Zach is stuck in traffic so it's just us." Corbyn said.

"Oh, that's ok." I smiled cheerily.

Jonah couldn't stop staring at my stomach and Ella started kicking again. My tummy was much more prominent, and you could now see her tiny punches and kicks.

"You guys want to feel?" I questioned.

Jonah nodded, and he put his hand on my stomach as she somersaulted.

"Wow, dude you gotta feel this." Corbyn's hand replaces Jonah's, and his icy blue eyes went big. "That's insane." I laughed, "I know right? She never stops moving."

The boys were here to help Daniel put together the nursery. Of course, I bought most of the items, but Daniel insisted on putting everything into place.

"Daniel's in the other guest room, he just finished the crib but needs help building the changing table, dresser, and rocking chair. Can't forget her closet either! Baby girl already has like 30 pairs of shoes. So many shoes. He also will need help with painting the walls, which he has refused to let me help with as he said something about not wanting the fumes to harm me. Anyhow, I will make everyone some lemonade and lunch. Just remember you two are the favorite uncles, have fun."

I finished my ramble with a small gasp, out of breath.

They both stared at me in disbelief and mumbled some bad words as they headed to the nursery.

2 hours later: I was lounging on the couch feeling Ella's kicks, watching SpongeBob when I heard a knock on the door. I slowly push myself up, waddling over to the door, feeling huge.

I opened up the door and there stood Zach.

"Sorry, I'm late... You know how mad LA traffic can be." "It's fine! The boys are in the room to the left. I mean why am I explaining that? You know where it is." I rambled some more.

"Indeed, I do, wait can I say a little something to my niece?..." "Sure." "I mean can we have some privacy." I stared at him. How did he expect me to give him privacy when the baby was in my stomach? Not wanting to argue his broken logic, I plugged my ears.

I felt hands touch my stomach, and then tap it.

"I'm done now, you can unplug your ears." He said as he nonchalantly walked to the nursery.

I wondered what he said because whatever he said made her excited, she was rolling around like crazy and wouldn't quit.

"Alright, Alright, we see Zachy is your favorite." I giggled.

I held my stomach, waking to the kitchen, deciding to make that lemonade and lunch I had promised Jonah and Corbyn earlier. When I was done making the strawberry lemonade and sandwiches, I put it on a tray along with 4 cups and a few napkins.

The door to the nursery was shut, I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it to be met with, an exasperated "Don't come in." from Daniel.

"Uh, I have lemonade..." I spoke. I heard Daniel say,

"Leave it outside, we can get it, but I want this to be a surprise, go lay down or... something." I mean I didn't hate surprises, but that was a tiny bit extra from my perspective.

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