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4 weeks later: 19 weeks pregnant

Waking up next to the blonde-haired boy became a normal thing. It started as us watching a movie together in his room and then falling asleep, but now it was just a normal thing for us. It became so normal that I was not able to fall asleep unless I was lying next to him and he rubbed my tummy singing to our baby girl.

"Wise men say

Only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin?

If I can't help falling in love with you"

I would smile as he would sing, imagining he was singing that to me instead of the baby. But it was what it was. We hadn't talked anything about what was going on between us, nor had we showed any physical attention to one other, other than the normal hug, kiss on the head, or touching my stomach. I was honestly so happy where I was emotionally and physically and made it a habit with Daniel to talk to the baby more often as the last doctor's visit we went to, doctor Khan had told me that the baby had fully developed ears and could hear sound! So of course Daniel has been all up in my space talking to the baby, telling her everything, sometimes when we're sitting on the couch and Daniel is watching football he will narrate everything... And I mean everything.

"Oh there about to do it. He- BRADY HAS THE BALL BABY GIRL, OH MY- HE HAS IT, HE'S ABOUT TO TOUCH DOWN, ALMOST- and he lost the ball... what a big surprise." "Daniel. Please I'm trying to do something." "Oh. Now your mom is mad at me. Why don't you kick her and tell her to stop." "Dani-." He put his hands up in an 'I didn't do anything' type of way. Dani and I had recently got told that this is around the time moms start to feel their babies' first kick, so of course, we were excited and now have been trying to talk to her and make her kick. I don't know who would ask someone to kick them in the gut but we were trying really hard. "Daniel, she doesn't even understand you." "So?" "Okay then." "What time do we have to be at your parent's by?" "6:30" It's 5:00 and it takes an hour to get there Dani." "Ok?" "My God, I swear when I'm giving birth you better not act like this. Ima go get ready." "Fine, Fine. I will too." "Thank you." I head to my room and browse my closet. 

I put on a baby blue dress that comes a little above my knees. I slip my feet into black flats and brush my hair into a bun. I come out of my room around the same time Daniel does. He has a light blue button-down shirt, with Black jeans. He stared at me, while I did the same "How?" "I don't even know..." I giggled. "Well, no point in changing, let's go." He puts his hand on my back gently leading us both out of the house.

10 minutes later

Daniel was driving and I was belting out my lungs to 'nothing is holding me back' An older song, but still just as good. I noticed Dani stealing tiny glances at me singing along with me every couple of seconds. As I was singing "SHES NEVER AFRAID, JUST PICTURES EVERYBODY NAKED." I felt a dull pain, almost like a flutter. I thought maybe it was hunger pains and kept singing. But the more it kept happening I realized it was not just hunger pains or the occasional cramp. It was a kick.

 "DANIEL OH MY GOD." "WHAT THE- WHAT HAPPENED." He screamed along almost hitting the car in front of us. "SHE-SHE" "SHE WHAT EM- WHAT HAPPENED." He said pulling over. "She kicked," I said grabbing his hand and put it where the flutter was coming from. His eyes went huge "Oh my god. She's going crazy isn't she." I laughed. It all felt so surreal. I was actually growing like an actual baby. A tear of happiness rolled down my cheek as she kept fluttering. "That's so insane" Daniel mumbled. "Good job baby girl keep going." I was so happy in this moment, I didn't need anything more. "We're going to be such good parents... I already know it." He said pulling back onto the road. This, this is all I needed.

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