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Savana walks timidly by Brice's side. As they make their way to the office they are stopped by the driver of the car from last night. "My wife is ready to do the shopping, sir. Did you have a list for her to take?"

"Not yet. Give us a few minutes to write one up, please."

"Yes, sir." The man turns to the girl and smiles, "It is good to see you up and about miss. I hope you find yourself comfortable here."

Savana gives him a slight smile, not really sure of the man.

"She doesn't speak, Calloway. Make sure that your wife gets her an iPad that she can use to communicate with us and use as entertainment when we are unable to be around her."

"Very good, sir. I'll let my wife know." Calloway nods and gives one last smile to the young girl. He thinks that she is very lucky to have Brice as a protector. He is known as one of the most vicious and nasty of the mafia leaders to those that try to mess with him. His men are all well trained and their services as body guards are highly sought after. 

Of course this also gives Brice a great deal of information that would otherwise be kept from him. As well as a wide ranging network of high powered individuals that owe him a great deal. Some of them owing their lives and that of their family members to him.

Owing the devil isn't something that sits easy with many of them, but it's better that then being dead or their families being dead.

Many of them have come to Brice looking to have problem people taken out. Competitors, preferably by death but however Brice can manage it.

Brice prefers blackmail and has a great deal of it on the shakers and movers that run the country. He will never be convicted of a crime because then the dirty little secrets he's been keeping safe will be let out of the bag. The powerful men and some women have no desire to have their little nasty secrets let out of the bag. Brice doesn't ask for money, he likes having them jump when he asks them too. Money can be traced back to him, but favors are much easier to hide.

Calloway hopes that the young miss will be able to regain her life and not have any troubles like those she has already gone through. He knows that Brice won't force her to stay, no matter what the feds might think. Brice has never had to force a female to do anything she didn't want to, unless they are one of the powerful ones and Brice asked them to do a favor for him.

He finds his wife busy getting together the shopping list for the mansion. She'll be taking one of the maids today, since she'll be busy shopping for the young lady. The maid will be doing the shopping for the mansion.

The housekeeper has her own credit card to use for the shopping, but Brice will be sending her another, from his private funds, for her to use on the shopping for the girl, Savana.

He heard the men talking about her as he was directing the clean up from breakfast. The men were talking about how her parents and boyfriend were killed in front of her when she was taken. Calloway feels really bad for her. The young miss had likely never seen violence before that and then to lose everyone that she loved in one go, no wonder she didn't talk.

Calloway hopes that Brice will be able to get her back to talking. There are many that would take advantage of a female unable to speak.

Brice leads the way into his office. Savana looks around in curiosity as Brice ushers her in. Savana takes her paper and writes, "This is the room you spend the most time in, isn't it?"

Brice smiles as he reads that. "Yes, it is. How did you know?"

"It feels like you." Savana writes. "I was going to go into Interior Design in the fall when I go to university."

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