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There is silence over the phone for what seems to the three young people an eternity. Finally Mrs. Lewis speaks, "Savana, honey, are you okay other than not being able to speak?"

Savana nods, to stunned to write. "She's nodding her head momma. I guess she's forgotten how to write. Mr. Jensen, the man that saved us gave her an iPad to use to write since she isn't able to speak."

Savana writes and Jasper reads what she writes. "Savana writes, what happened to my parents?"

"Oh, honey. I heard the gun shots, but when I saw that bastard come out carrying you, I knew that he couldn't be trusted. I called the State police and told them what I saw. They came out and secured the scene. Apparently they have had some doubt about the sheriff for some time and have already started an investigation.

"With my testimony of seeing him coming out of your house with you they have issued an arrest warrant for him. But I saw on the television this morning that he was arrested after attacking someone's home?"

Savana is writing as fast as she can and Jasper fills his mother in a little. "That man's home is Mr. Jensen and he's the one that saved us all. He was working with the feds on taking down the sex trafficking rings. Since he has money he took Savana in. When Savana identified us from the list of those from our hometown the feds also let him bring us here. She identified others the sheriff is responsible for the majority of the missing teens from our area."

"I always knew that sheriff was no good, but the people were sheep and blinded by looks. He was just off, you know. So was that no good kid, Grant."

"Grant fought with his brother over Savana. His brother is the one that killed him." Jasper tells her. There is silence on the line for a bit as their mother absorbs that.

"Well, then, I guess that kid wasn't all that bad after all."

Brice can't help it and snorts. 

"Who was that?" Mrs. Lewis demands.

"That was Mr. Jensen. He was instrumental in the capture of the sheriff last night as well as putting up with us and getting us help." Grayson says distractedly as he waits for Savana to finish writing.

"Momma, Savana wants to know what happened to her parents. She wants to know if they were buried and where?"

"Oh, baby, of course you would be wanting that information. Their bodies were sent down to the county morgue for autopsies. They haven't released them yet and are still there. Once they are released you will be able to give them a proper burial.

"Once the house is released, I'll have the best crime scene cleanup crew clean the place up. I don't want you to worry about it or see it." There are tears heard in Mrs. Lewis's voice as she continues, "Your parents were the most giving and loving people I ever did meet. You are just like them, Savana, and I hope that doesn't change with their death. 

"I am so, so sorry, I wasn't able to help you or them. Going over to your house after I was sure that the sheriff and his thugs were gone and finding your family like I did. I'm sorry, Savana, they were gone before I got there, there was nothing I could do."

Savana writes and Jasper reads it this time. Grayson, too choked up, "I know. My father died without even seeing what or who came in. That bastard killed my mother and worse while his men made me watch.

"I heard his voice as he fought with Grant. He shot him and Grant died as he was looking at me. There was nothing any one could have done to save them once the sheriff decided that they were going to die."

"Oh, baby, they made you watch?" They can all hear her as she starts sobbing. After she is able to get herself back together, "I understand now why you can't speak."

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